5 reasons why the 2018 US mid-term election results were great…

31. The new ruling triumvirate shares power perfectly: Trump is a Republican but he could well be an Independent with a mind of his own. There were a huge swathe of Republican Anti Trumpers in 2015 and they have been reducing by the day, though they haven’t fully gone. So there are actually three power entities in America and not two: Trump, the Republicans and the Democrats.

And lo behold! The troika now share power and can check each other…
Trump has the White House.
The Republicans have the Senate.
The Democrats have the House.

smiley-2616203_960_7202. Tensions have been greatly reduced: The Dems lost sudden power in 2016 and went unhinged. Since then they have been spouting nonsense from the rooftops 24X7 and backing all manner of violent protests. Had they got nothing in 2018, then they would have gone one step beyond unhinged.

But now they have some power and hence some responsibility. They will continue to oppose Trump 24X7 but at the same time they will have to show some results via the House by 2020 and also focus within for the 2020 Presidential race.

handshake-440959_960_7203. Middle ground issues may finally be worked on: The media has pushed the accelerator on the polarization button and it seemed that there was no common ground for the Democrats and Republicans. Both the issues they are seeking became polarized too.

But now Trump will have to mediate and seek the middle ground to and get some results especially in terms of things like immigrations and healthcare. Obama ruled by executive decree alone antagonizing Congress and that’s why none of his legacies have lasted. Trump will now have to work with both parties but.

scared-2175161_960_7204. No real shock this time: Global citizens are reeling from failed predictions and things that were impossible actually happening. Trump can’t win! Brexit can’t happen. The Right cannot gain prominence in Europe! Even in India, nobody saw Narendra Modi’s BJP getting 272+ in early 2014 or BJP conquering state after state in the years after that.

But here the predictions actually went along predicted lines where the Democrats were slated to capture the House and the Republicans the Senate and Trump not losing much ground.

trump-2023751_960_7205. Growing interest in politics continues: Just 36.4% people voted in the 2014 US mid-terms, which was touted to be the lowest turnout in 70 years. However after that the 2016 US elections were probably the most followed ever.

Well the numbers continue and more than 100 million voted for the 2018 mid-terms. World over interest in politics is increasing and that’s a good sign.

The biggest and grandest conspiracy theory of them all!

shocked child-1099770_960_720Conspiracy theorist: Trump is not serious about the US Presidential race.
Citizen: He looks pretty serious to me.

Conspiracy theorist: Don’t worry. He will withdraw any time soon!
Citizen: He’s not withdrawing!

Conspiracy theorist: He can’t win the Republican ticket, even if he does, the party will stop him via the brokered convention.
Citizen: He’s the Republican candidate!

Illuminati symbol-3448099_960_720Conspiracy theorist: Relax: He can’t beat Hillary.
Citizen: He’s drawing larger crowds! He’s more popular! He’s more charismatic!

Conspiracy theorist: Relax! He’ll probably win the popular vote but the Electoral College win is impossible!
Citizen: He’s won!

Conspiracy theorist: Well there’s still an outside chance that the Electoral College will reject him or you never know, he may not want to be President. He never wanted to be in the first place.
Citizen: He’s President!

trump dollar bill-2614892_960_720Conspiracy theorist: Don’t worry, he’ll either be impeached or quit in frustration.
Citizen: It’s the second half of 2019 and nothing seems to be happening!

Conspiracy theorist: Don’t worry, he’s a Hitler supported by Nazis and he has to quit or HE WILL BE IMPEACHED!
Citizen: I think he’s winning a second term!

Conspiracy theorist…

Where Conspiracy Theorist = Entire mainstream media.

If millions of people think the Earth is Flat, what difference does it make to you and me?

But this is one conspiracy theory that has divided the entire world and led to millions of Americans having severe psychological problems.

The spectacular Rajyog of Shahenshah Donald J Trump

trump-2115838_1920There is a concept called Rajyog, a period in which a king will reign and flourish, while all his enemies will perish. Those who ally with him will prosper and those oppose him will bite the dust. I had written about this in The spectacular international Rajyog of Narendra Modi.

Now one could say that the same has been happening to US President Donald J Trump. Trump has always been a bull in a china shop. First, Trump steamrolled real estate, then reality TV, then the Republican nomination process, then the US Presidential election, then America and finally the world.

trump-2815558_1920He just seems unstoppable. He’s put the first nail in the coffin of Obamacare. The “Climate Change” bogey has been kicked in its pants. Political correctness has been thrown out of the window. Jerusalem will be the official capital of Israel.

The economy is looking up along with the job prospects. He is giving a fillip to Make in America, the energy industry and he’s even trying to push manufacturing and the IT industry. He’s also the first President who’s really trying to drain the swamp.

In 2017 he has come out with one executive order after another and also pushed a fair bit of legislation and he is totally on the path to keep most of his election promises, a rarity for any politician.

As mentioned above, during a Rajyog, all your enemies perish and boy does Trump have many! A look at how all of them are faring…

america-2025465_640The Democratic Party: When Barack Obama came to the US Presidency, it seemed that a Democratic dictatorship was upon America, but when he left, it seemed like we are headed for a Republican dictatorship. Obama was the worst President ever.

The Republican Party has never been this powerful since its inception in the middle of the nineteenth century. It now controls the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court and has most of the Governorships and State legislatures. That upward trend was cemented by Trump.

The extremely popular Bernie Sanders is still sidelined, lame duck Obama continues to overshadow everyone, Hillary Clinton refuses to go away as the rest of the Democratic Party is in total disarray.

black-and-white-2600678_1920Hollywood: Hollywood is hard Left, full Liberal and the ultimate Trump Hateland. Well it is now sinking in sexual molestation charges starting with the Harvey Weinstein revelations. So many stars face sexual misconduct allegations: Ben Affleck, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Steven Seagal, Oliver Stone, Sylvester Stallone, Dustin Hoffman, Geoffrey Rush, Richard Dreyfuss, George Takei, Alec Baldwin, Roman Polanski…

Phew! What a roll call (it tops 100, according to some lists) and what a fall for a bunch of people who have been shouting from the rooftops that Trump is a Hitler, a Nazi and an anti-woman monster!

Trump haters like Shia Lebouf have seen a total mental breakdown while the likes of Jennifer Lawrence are seeing their career go up in flames. Supreme moral guardian Meryl Streep looks like a royal fool blasting Trump 24X7 but doing business and hobnobbing with Hollywood molesters 24X7 at the same time.

Hollywood is also killing off golden gooses like the Star Wars franchise. Ticket sales are also at an all-time low and US 2017 sales have matched that of those sold in 1995 even though the population has increased and there has been an explosion of multiplexes. Outright box office disaster has been saved by much higher ticket prices, especially thanks to 3D, but for how long can they sustain it? One wonders how long can they go on without an extra creativity and the same ole sequels and reboots.

news-2094390_1920Mainstream media: The biggest attackers of Trump, they were all the virtual campaign arm of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential race. Nobody told them that Hillary lost in 2016 as they continue to campaign for her even as 2018 is upon us.

The ratings of CNN have crashed. The AT&T deal with Time Warner (of which CNN is a part) has been blocked. The New York Times had to rent many floors of its office space to raise cash. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos owns Washington Post and is a CIA contractor.

Buzzfeed is under federal scrutiny for its role in the golden shower dossier. Trump hater Ariana Huffington couldn’t even hold on to her Huffington Post. A new wave of Alt Media has already beaten traditional media in terms of page views and YouTube views and one wonders how much longer the advertisers can keep them propped up.

I had written his in detail in The men who killed the mainstream media. After the Weinstein scandal, skeletons are also tumbling out of the sexual harassment cupboard of the mainstream media. The MSM is also committing suicide over the fake and bullshit Russia story.

Also read: Trump and Modi’s victories show public decides elections, not media

at-t-stadium-740537_1280NFL: What has the National Football League got to do with Trump? Well it all started with Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem before a game to protest against racism. That metamorphosed into a full-on battle between the NFL (mostly through its players, some officials and commentators) and Trump.

Predictably Kaepernick soon found himself out of a job, TV viewership went into decline, spectator attendance started falling in stadiums, sponsors started developing cold feet and revenues declined. There was even a viral video of a fan burning all his NFL merchandise.

journalist-985075_640Megyn Kelly/Fox: Megyn of Fox asked this question to Trump at the beginning of the Republican nomination process…

“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals…”

This was the beginning of an interrogation that should have ended Trump’s Presidency dreams right there. Trump would either have to deny it or apologize and both would have sunk him. However Trump raised his finger with a swagger and replied…

“Only Rosie O’Donnell!”

The crowd went wild. That was the beginning of his rise and that swagger took him straight to the White House. Megyn on the other hand went on a downward spiral being humiliated by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and then Vladimir Putin. Her show ratings plummeted.

Fox News was lagging and then jumped on the Trump train and ended up on top of the ratings. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch was a Trump hater but changed tack. But the damage was done. Murdoch just announced the sale of Fox Entertainment to Disney. While he’s gained a lot of money, he’s just lost a lot of power.

terrorism-2654452_1920Islamic State: What became the Islamic State was gathering around for more than a decade and gained force in 2013. Islamic State attacked and had called for the assassination of Trump. Guess what? After Trump became President, they started waning and today control hardly any territory and have become just another declining mobile terrorist group like Al-Qaeda.

arch-745678_1280Iran: Israel is America’s best military and strategic and friend in West Asia while Saudi Arabia is the best Capitalistic-oil partner there. Obama tried to kick them both and embrace Iran, giving them tonnes of cash and letting them go nuclear.

But now Trump has put the squeeze back on Iran and embraced the above two. What’s more, Israel and Saudi Arabia have formed a sort of unofficial partnership. Jerusalem has been recognized as the official capital of Israel.

The Israel-Saudi duo is calling shots in the region and Iran has been left out in the cold. Iran is increasingly becoming powerless and could face military action against it in the long run.

sunset-2813759_1920Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal: This Saudi prince was one of the most powerful and richest men in the world, the biggest shareholder in Twitter. He also had stakes in Apple, AOL and Fox Broadcasting.

Then he Tweeted this to Trump…

You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America.
Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.

Replied Trump…

Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016

In 2017, Al-Waleed was arrested, lost a good part of his income and according to one report was hung upside down and beaten. Very few Obama-Hillary sympathizers and Trump haters are left in power in the Saudi government.

cartoon-2026565_640Hillary Clinton: She had Obama, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the mainstream media, liberals, intelligentsia, academics… all eating out of her hands but now thanks to Trump she stands isolated and is a laughing stock. A lot of scandals related to Obama-Hillary are coming out of the closet and it remains to be seen whether Trump takes any action against them.

James Comey: Comey became the all-powerful FBI director in 2013 and was looking at completing his 10-year term and hired a Special Counsel to fix Trump. Well Trump shocked Comey by promptly firing him.

miley-cyrus-81867_1280Celebrities: Eminem, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Michael Moore, Lena Dunham, Cher, JK Rowling…  The huge number of Trump hating celebrities who faced total meltdown and became laughing stocks in 2017 was really alarming.

Theresa May: When the UK Prime Minister blasted Trump over some of his ReTweets over Islamic threats, Trump thundered back

.@Theresa_May, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!

(Trump is a master user of Twitter)

Today May is hated by the people of England, her own party and her own people. Add the dangerous Trump to her list. Now trade wise UK may be squeezed by both the EU and America on both sides and really suffer. People keep attacking Trump and never learn.

un-1190183_640United Nations: All world leaders hate Trump and the UN symbolizes that perfectly. Well Trump is hitting back and has started rolling back aid to the UN over the Jerusalem issue and this is just the beginning of the decline of the UN.

Angela Merkel: Another Trump hater who was at her peak of power before Trump entered the Presidential race in 2015 and is becoming more and more irrelevant as Trump’s Presidency progresses. She is struggling to stay the Chancellor of Germany in a badly fractured coalition government.

elephant-964294_1920The Republican leadership: Senior Republican leaders hated Trump, but they are being blown away. If you align yourself with Trump, you win, if you attack him you lose. This is a bitter lesson that the Republican Party is learning and is slowly moulding itself in the image of Trump.

Trump is also the biggest attacker of concepts like…

hammer-2105611_640Communism: Many political parties. Mainstream media. Academia. Colleges. intelligentsia. Film makers and artists. They all leaned severely Left and were by and large left alone by Rightist leaders like George W Bush and backed to the hilt by Obama-Hillary. However Communism is being taken head on by Trump who is and out and out Capitalist.

Political Correctness: A pet obsession of the Left, it has already been thrown into the dustbin.

Social Justice Warriors: They’ve never had it so bad and are frothing in rage 24X7 after the advent of Trump.

Globalization: Was a one-way street before Trump happened. Now the global leaders who were pushing globalization unilaterally are facing a backlash and localization is coming back, albeit slowly.

Unfettered immigration: Seemed to be the future but now many countries are having second thoughts one by one.

Climate Change: Trump withdrew from the Paris accord and is backing the oil lobby to the hilt. This lobby was always suspect.

Coming soon…

north-korea-2972195_1920Kim Jong-un: Can the North Korean dictator get away after threatening America and Trump so much?

Silicon Valley: These Trump haters have so far escaped the wrath of Trump, but is an antitrust move coming against them?

Robert Mueller: Will the Special Counsel fix Trump or himself get fixed?

2017 was an amazing year for Trump and catastrophic for Trump haters.

Let’s see what happens in 2018!

© Sunil Rajguru

Also read…

10 ways how Trump will turn the globe totally upside down

Donald Trump’s US presidency was inevitable: 10 reasons why

10 ways how Trump will turn the globe totally upside down

donald-trump-1757583_640Most of the focus on US President Donald Trump has been about him being a “Hitler” (the Left just loves throwing that adjective hundreds of times a day) and him being “illegitimate (despite him thrashing Hillary Clinton 304-227 in the 2016 Electoral College vote).

Protesters seem to forget that Trump is the most powerful man in the world and cannot be toppled by screaming hysterically from the rooftops 24 hours a day. Meanwhile Trump is virtually on the rampage trying to implement his totally different worldview.

The mainstream media, the Left lobby and Democrats keep hurling the word “chaos” at the Trump administration but they are the ones in total disarray. Meanwhile Trump is sticking to his gameplan.

A look at the grand changes that he is bringing in.

1. Globalization is out. Localization is in.

For decades we have been presented with the fact of globalization being inevitable and the only way forward. That’s why heads of state have been virtually shoving it down the throats of their citizens. Governments, banks, financial institutions and all manner of global organizations have totally aligned themselves to this reality.

There was some overlap in the Brexit and Trump campaigns and in a way they fed off each other. Both won in the same year and have changed the course of globalization and Europe faces disintegration. Had Hillary come to power, she would have fought against it it tooth and nail but Trump will in fact facilitate it.

Both French Marine Le Pen and Dutch Geert Wilders draw inspiration from Trump and it is certain that they will either win the upcoming elections in their countries or become the main opposition leaders. Frexit and Dexit referendums seem inevitable now.

Trump is the world’s biggest anti-globalization ambassador and the fact that he is now the most powerful man in the world will boost localization. Make America Great Again: Many countries will follow this mantra by just replacing “America” with their country.

(Read: Why 2016 (like 1991) is the Year of Disruption)

2. Climate Change has been totally rubbished.

polar-bear-2199534_640This was another inevitability we were presented with in the pre-Trump Age. The Left lobby calls those who do not subscribe to their climate views “deniers”, compare them to murderers and call for them to be jailed. California in fact has introduced legislation to that end.

Trump has thrown the very concept of Climate Change into the dustbin. The government website was officially changed just when Trump took over. Hardliner Scott Pruitt, who has taken the Left climate lobby head-on on numerous occasions, is now head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Trump has said he wants nothing much to do with United Nations Climate Change Conference. This is a big blow to the climate lobby which has been whipping up quite a hysteria. Obama was a delight for them and Hillary would have continued with his policies, but Trump has effected a 180 degree turn.

(Read: The climate talks fraud and why India won’t do much)

3. Open borders are dead and dusted.

statue-of-liberty-828665_640German Angela Merkel, former US President Barack Obama and Hillary saw eye to eye on the issue of immigration. In fact had Hillary come to power, she might have well tried to break Merkel’s immigration records. But Merkel is disgraced, Hillary is history and the Obama legacy is being dismantled.

The era of open borders is finally over. While Trump has been rubbished for his border wall with Mexico, many European nations are openly talking about fences to keep out immigrants. Trump. Brexit. Le Pen. Wilders. The future looks closed.

Even though a court blocked one of his executive orders, he is coming out with a slew of initiatives to check illegal immigration and crime and so the tide is already turning.

(Read: Rising Islamophobia in Europe a worrying sign)

4. West Asia will see a transformation.

palestine-gaza-strip-in-2015-678979_640Both the Bushes went to war with Iraq. Both Bill Clinton and Obama seemed confused over West Asia. Trump plans a radical break from both. While almost every American supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Trump was one of the first prominent dissenting voices soon after. He alienated a sections of the Republican base by blasting Bush over the Iraq war.

Obama had embarked on a policy of liquidating West Asia dictators starting with Libyan Muammar Gaddafi and failing with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. After that Obama’s West Asia policy drifted and was mired in confusion and chaos.

Trump is presented as a Hitler who will start World War 3 but if you go be speeches, then he’s totally anti-war. In fact if you can pick up one consistent obsession from all his speeches then it’s trade. He has a one-track mind on that.

Trump doesn’t believe in grand treaties or wars but getting the best trade deals for America via individual treaties with individual countries. That’s exactly his long-term vision for West Asia. He has opposed Obama’s soft stance on both Iran and Saudi Arabia, so that’s another change.

But the biggest change will be Israel. Israel has always been a friend of America and they came really close in the 1970s thanks to the Shuttle Diplomacy and the oil crisis. Obama tried his best to launch an all-out diplomatic war against Israel but Trump will reverse that. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu detests Obama and likes Trump but that doesn’t stop the American press from curiously calling Trump anti-Semitic.

(Read: Why the Middle East problem is so complicated)

5. Big Oil is back with a bang.

oil-106913_640A few years back if you said that the Chairman of ExxonMobil would become the US Secretary of State, then you would have been laughed out of the room. But that has already happened. No amount of screaming by the Climate Change lobby can change that.

The Secretary of State is the most important person in America after the President and Rex Tillerson is big on trade and oil. It is a huge departure from the John Kerry and especially Hillary days.

After taking over, Trump immediately overturned the oil pipeline ban put in place by Obama and “Drill Baby Drill!” is back with a bang. The world has never seen the likes of the troika of Trump-Tillerson-Pruitt and the Leftist environmental lobby is powerless.

Trump is at heart a Capitalist who supports the oil industry and has the balls to carry out his vision.

(Read: What if the world never runs out of oil?)

6. The terminal decline of Communist intellectualism.

hammer-and-sickle-1183328_640Communism was seen as an Utopia in 1848. It seemed internationally inevitable after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of the late 1940s. However with the Chinese Economic Reform of 1978 and the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the whole world saw what a royal sham it was.

Leftist parties like the US Democrats, UK Labour and Indian Congress tried their best to go Left. They were fully supported by the media, Liberals, intellectuals, NGOs and the like. That regime ruled till the 2000s.

But in the 2010s they were totally busted by the troika of Modi-Brexit-Trump (the social media was a great help) and the Left has really taken a beating. While Modi has waged a silent war against the Left, Trump has gone all out.

(Read: The decline of the Socialist Liberal Intellectual Media Ecosystem or SLIME)

7. The death of the media.

press-2333329_640The Fourth Estate had virtually become the Fifth Column. They are nothing but mouthpieces of the global Left establishment. They campaigned for the Democratic party and Hillary in 2016.

The influence of the media is already over, but they are just being propped up by their advertisers. The day their advertisers desert them, they will fall like a flimsy pack of cards. The BBC is no longer respected, CNN ratings have plummeted and the New York Times is facing financial difficulties.

Now Trump is taking the media head on and openly dubbing them Fake News. He is rubbishing them in his Tweets and speeches, snubbing them in person, boycotting their events, misleading them with umpteen red herrings and excluding them from certain meetings. Trump is generally playing them at will and having a good laugh at their expense.

The media has never encountered anyone like Trump and so far is losing every major battle.

(Read: The men who killed the mainstream media)

(Read: Trump and Modi’s victories show public decides elections, not media)

8. Taking Islamic terrorism head on.

criminal-1577887_640Nobody talks of the huge elephant in the global room. The Islamic State has tens of thousands of terrorists. Pakistan has tens of thousands of terrorists. Many Islamic countries have thousands of terrorists.

The Al-Qaeda of yesterday and the Boko Haram of today have been really destructive. But many world leaders, Obama included, refused to use the term “Islamic terrorism”, something that Trump is not shying away from and using in his official speeches.

Immigrant crime has wrecked many areas of Europe, but most world leaders refuse to even acknowledge the problem let alone do anything about it. Trump does not shy away from being blunt on the issue of Islamic terrorism and though it is early days, he has vowed that his words will be backed by action.

(Read: Eight reasons why the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ is already upon us)

(Read: Islamic State is a Country not a Terrorist Group)

(Read: Do you know how many million Muslims must die for War On Terror?)

9. United Nations will become irrelevant.
un-1190183_640The League of Nations died a natural death and the United Nations was becoming more and more irrelevant. Obama tried for a big push during his term to boost it, but he wasn’t very successful. Now Trump has made it clear that he is no fan of the United Nations and is not even ready to play lip service.

America is a big financial sponsor of the UN and Trump has proposed a cut in funding. Trump has thrashed the UN’s overtly anti-Israel pro-Palestine stance and vowed to neutralize it. In fact the media is already speculating that United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is planning to go in for a virtual war with the global body.

(Read: United we fall?)

10. The end of political correctness.

trump-2062441_640Political correctness was taken to ridiculous levels levels during the Obama years. That has produced a generation of snowflakes and people who take great offence at each and every thing. The Left hurled myriad abuses at anyone who even differed from the narrative.

Trump has thrown political correctness into the fire. He is blunt. He calls a spade a spade. He blasts his critics with his Tweets and speeches. One of the reasons why people voted for him is because they were really getting tired of political correctness. Trump may probably end up being the most politically incorrect US President of all time.

They thought he would change during the fag end of 2015. They thought he would change after getting the Republican ticket. They thought he would change after getting elected. They thought he would change after taking the oath of office.

No sir! No changes! Welcome to the Politically Incorrect Era!

(Read: 8 reasons why “Joker” Donald became a “Trump” card in the American political game)

The total Liberal meltdown over Trump continues…

US elites fearing Civil War.
US elites creating conditions for Civil War.

The global Liberal meltdown has been so severe that henceforth they shall permanently exist in the liquid state and not the solid one.

For Liberals, Orwell’s 1984 came…
…in India in 2014.
…in UK in 2015.
…in US in 2016.
May come to France and Netherlands in 2017.

He will drop out.
He can’t get a ticket.
They’ll cancel his ticket.
He can’t win.
He’ll be stopped.
The delusion continues…
He will be impeached!

For decades Left was manipulating the masses and winning.
Now Left is fighting the masses and losing.
Endgame nigh.

Before 2014, global Liberals won most of their wars.
2014 and after they have lost all their major wars.

Anti-Trump rally.
A—I’m protesting immigration. You?
B—Me? Climate change.
E—I’m just protesting!

One day a real Trump administration scandal will come and the tired masses will simply tune it out.
Media will move to the next umpteenth fake scam.

Everyone thinks that Trump is the Apprentice.
What they don’t know is that from now on, everyone in Washington DC is an apprentice.

People power pushed Modi Brexit Trump.
You can fight Modi Trump but not the people.
That’s why Left is losing spectacularly.

In 8 days Trump got more attacks than Obama in 8 years despite the latter spectacularly achieving nothing.

Trump supporters euphoric.
Trump Haters furious.
Not alarming really.
The Presidency is going on expected lines.

As an Indian citizen, I would hate it if certain power lobbying groups tried to thrust a certain amount of immigrants into India.
Don’t see how US-EU should be different.

America is generally an aggressive warlike nation.
Trump Haters are pretending that they are angels and only Trump is the problem.

Trump keeps using “we” and “America”.
Obama keeps using “I”, “me” and “myself”.
Media analysis: Obama is selfless, Trump an egomaniac.

Obama embraced Communism and appeased terrorism.
Trump is embracing Capitalism and opposing terrorism.
That’s progress.
Liberals won’t get it.

Obama kept using executive power to get his way over everything.
Liberals loved it.
Now screaming as Trump does the same.

The BBC on their usual one-sided quest of going after Trump instead ended up embarrassing their own Prime Minister.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Trump haters still living in denial…

Hollywood stars and celebrities have decided to live in a fictional alternate reality where Hillary is President, Obama is Batman and Trump is Bane.

It’s possible that both Trump and Modi will complete their second terms around 2024.
By then Liberal-Left meltdown will be total.

If Bill Clinton wasn’t such a sexual predator and Hillary had not been part of a dynastic succession, then the DC women’s march would’ve been fantastic.

If you’re free to attack someone 24X7, he’s probably not a Hitler.
If you keep beating up his supporters, you’re probably the Nazis.

The very fact that the media attacks Trump-Modi 24X7 and is petrified of Hillary-Sonia lays bare the naked truth behind all the lies

Modi and Trump have their differences.
But their haters are twins separated at birth.

Trump supporters expect something of him.
Trump haters expect him to act “normal”.
No coconuts for guessing who he’ll please.
Latter’s hysteria will go on.

1989-91: Communism physically finished off.
2014-16: Communism spiritually finished off.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru