Recently US President Barack Obama said that Climate Change was America’s biggest threat and one even greater than terrorism.
If he really believed that then he would announce the following…
We are conducting joint air strikes over the most polluting industries in the world.
We are sending CIA operatives to find out how the biggest corporates are the biggest polluters and are bending rules to pollute the environment.
We are sending thousands marines all over the world to protect areas like the Amazon forest.
We are conducting economic sanctions against all the countries which happen to be the biggest polluters in the world.
We will use our veto power in the United Nations to pass and not block resolutions which realize the gravity of Climate Change.
…we’d rather use all the above resources to blow the living daylights out of the poorest zones of the world so that they will breed more resentment that will necessitate a backlash that will lead to further strikes ad infinitum, thereby damning the environment of those particular zones ad infinitum.
Hello terrorism, goodbye environment.
© Sunil Rajguru