If the entire world switched to Communism…

communism-17143_640Monarchies really benefit at best 1% of the population.

Religious states really benefit at best 1% of the population.

Military states really benefit at best 1% of the population.

Military dictatorships really benefit at best 1% of the population.

Civilian dictatorships really benefit at best 1% of the population.

Communist states really benefit at best 0.1% of the population.

Capitalist states really benefit 5, 10, 20 or 30%+ of the population depending on how it all is implemented.

But Capitalism doesn’t give 100%!
At least Communism promises 100%!
So let’s junk fully embrace Communism!

Funny how so many politicians, voters, mainstream media outlets, academicians, historians, liberals, intellectuals, economists and thinkers fall for that Grade 1 Bullshit!

© Sunil Rajguru

Heavy chains of Communism shall bind you

capitalism-1295357_640Prophet Marx…
You have nothing to lose but your chains!
What he didn’t add…
Then I will shackle you with the heavier chains of Communism!

Youth seek freedom, so it is ironic that they embrace Communism, which is the most chained ideology of all.

Communism starts off as a dream in youth and becomes a nightmare.
Communists who stay on as adults then become villains of that nightmare.

© Sunil Rajguru

2014. Congress. Out!

2015. Labour. Out!

2016. Democrats. Out!


Prediction: In 2009 when the Congress won, they told us that by 2014 the party would get 272 Lok Sabha seats and the BJP would be finished.

Reality: The BJP got 282 and the Congress got decimated and faces terminal decline.

Prediction: In 2015 they said Labour would make a comeback and the Tories would really struggle.

Reality: The Labour got wiped out, the Miliband brothers went into oblivion and Corbyn is slowly banging nails into the party coffin.

Prediction: In 2016 they said Hillary would win, Trump would be disgraced and the Republicans would fight themselves to decline especially in the face of the declining white population.

Reality: The Republicans will soon control the White House, Senate, House of Representatives and have the most Governors too, not to mention a conservative Supreme Court.

The Democrats on the other hand just had a Civil War between Hillary and Sanders’ supporters and are currently running around like headless chickens.

The axis has turned. The world has turned Right.

© Sunil Rajguru

The decline of the Socialist Liberal Intellectual Media Ecosystem or SLIME…

berlin-1594352_640Karl Marx gave a hopeless utopia called Communism in 1848 which was a dead duck on arrival. It was made a powerful zombie which goes around biting people to this very day. China went Capitalist in 1978 and the USSR collapsed in 1991. Other Communist States simply converted themselves to dictatorships.

However it is still kept alive as an ideology and those who follow it use the euphemism Socialist to describe themselves. These Socialists live by Capitalism but talk only Socialism. Capitalism gives them big bucks, five star dinners, first class air travel, sponsors their children’s foreign education, but they still rubbish Capitalism and propagate Communism under the garb of Socialism. And of course they still wait for the Socialist/Communist zombie apocalypse.

The next cog in the wheel is a Liberal which is a contradiction.  The Communist ideology is murderous authoritarian rigid and probably an opposite of the word Liberal. Yet the Liberals support the ideology (not directly though).

The Liberals are also the most intolerant of all species and they support only their own Freedom of Speech and will not let any other opinion flourish.

Then there is the so called Intellectual and nobody really knows who gave him that title. They pretend to be the real experts but all they do is propound a Communist Liberal ideology as espoused by the above. This species is the stupidest of the lot and gets regularly exposed in cyberspace.

These three have the full backing of the mainstream Media and together they form a very powerful Ecosystem called the Socialist Liberal Intellectual Media Ecosystem or SLIME. SLIME has been calling the shots for decades.

SLIME decides which politician should rise or fall.

SLIME decides which cause should be taken up or not.

SLIME defines abuse from its side as freedom of speech and all criticism as trolling.

SLIME hates Social Media and wants it banned. It has to stay on it because it knows how powerful it is.

SLIME thrives in the offline world and is being thrashed in the online world.

SLIME is abusive in the offline world and gets away with it.

SLIME is abusive in the online world but doesn’t get away with it. In fact it dubs its critics as trolls, gets accounts suspended and screams from the rooftops that online abuse should end.

In 2014 in India SLIME told you that an incompetent heir apparent who was the son of the worst politician India had ever produced was the best choice.

The people went for the “Fascist” rival.

You see they worship Mao and Stalin who together led to the death of more than 100 million, but call anyone who disagrees with them a Hitler.

In 2015 SLIME told you that Brexit was prime evil.

The people embraced the “Fascist” choice.

In 2016 in America SLIME told you that the biggest establishment crook ever was the best choice.

The people went for the “Fascist” rival.


…the people of the most powerful country in the world…

…the people of the world’s largest democracy…

…the people of what was once the greatest empire of the world…

…have collectively thrashed them.

Their lies don’t work in cyberspace anyway.

So the SLIME is finally on the decline.

© Sunil Rajguru

The myth of “The Left” and “The Right”…

There is no “The Left” and “The Right”.
There is only “The Centre” and “The Fringe”…
The Centre…
1. Democracy.
2. Equal Rights.
3. Universal Laws.
4. Separation of the Church and State.
5. Capitalism.
The Fringe…
1. Communism.
2. Religious States.
3. Civil/military dictatorships.
4. Pseudo(Seculars-Intellectuals-Liberals).
5. Monarchies, pseudo monarchies like Nehru-Gandhi Dynasty.

#Communism 101

Still born in 1848.
Dead in 1991.
A zombie in 2016.
But still the favourite of media + intellectuals + liberals.

#Communism = Poison.
Socialism = Diluted poiso

Globally, Communists totally sponge off the Capitalist State, but still attack both Capitalism and the State virulently.

1. Capitalism + Democracy.
2. #Communism + Dictatorship.
Call 1. “Right” and 2. “Left” to introduce fake parity.

#Communism = Mass murderers like Mao and Stalin (Together killed 100 million plus)
So attack Modi, Trump, Netanyahu etc.

#Communism = Dictatorship + Zero economic workability.
So it will always attack Capitalism + Democracy virulently to hide that.

With an exactly 0% success rate, they will virulently attack Capitalism for not having a 100% success rate.

Biggest mass murderers of 20th century…
1. Mao.
2. Stalin.
3. Hitler.
Worshippers of No. 1 and No. 2 will call anyone they dislike No. 3.

By Sunil Rajguru