A woman who has absolutely no qualifications to speak of and who has been a housewife for most of her life is now the most powerful person in India.
A bureaucrat of financial matters with absolutely no grassroots support and who lost the only Lok Sabha elections he fought in his life is Prime Minister.
A lawyer who led many strikes in his youth which kept challenging authority all the way is now Defence Minister and in charge of the armed forces which are not supposed to challenge authority in any way.
A lawyer who represented the infamous Enron and who also once resigned from the Cabinet over his link with Fairgrowth (a company involved with a stock market scam) is now Finance Minister.
A former Sub-Inspector of police is now Home Minister and giving orders to the IGs and DIGs of India.
A career lawyer is the Communications IT Minister while an Electronics and Communications engineer is the HRD Minister. To assist the IT Minister, the Minister of State is an MBBS.
The Minister of State (HRD) is a foreign affairs expert.
A film star is Tourism Minister.
But in the past, this man set the all-time record…
A trade union activist, he became Industry Minister.
He led one of the biggest strikes of Indian Railways in 1974 and even lay in front of the tracks in front of a train and he subsequently became Railway Minister.
He fought authority all his life and protested against atomic bombs only to become Defence Minister and oversee the Pokhran-II atomic blasts, fully justifying them.
© Sunil Rajguru