Donald Potter, Hillary Voldemort and Death Eater Rowling

Rowling TweetIn the Harry Potter fictional universe, Voldemort killed and tortured with great regularity just for fun and almost threatened to wipe out the entire human race (muggles) along with the non-pure blood in the magical world. And yet according to its creator JK Rowling, Donald Trump was worse than Voldemort even before he became US President! How’s that for mindboggling hyperbole?

actor-1299629_640All this is quite funny, because in Rowling’s books, Harry Potter is the outsider who is ridiculed non-stop by many, is totally rubbished, is a rank outsider and never gets a moment’s peace. Even all his friends face ridicule and discrimination. Yet he is triumphant against all odds in the end.

At the beginning of every book he is a pariah, but at the end of the book he’s a winner.

Voldemort on the other hand is treated as the Chosen One by the Death Eaters who are downright petrified of him. They are sure that there is absolutely no way that he can be “ultimately” defeated and vanquished. In the end the Ministry of Magic and its complete administration becomes a mere tool for his ambitions. His followers are in positions of great power and are smug and arrogant.

Voldemort’s crimes could fill a fat book.

celebrity-2104971_640In real life, Trump is the outsider who is ridiculed non-stop by many, is totally rubbished, is a rank outsider and never gets a moment’s peace. Even his followers face ridicule and discrimination. They are regularly beaten on the streets. Yet he became triumphant against all odds in the end.

At the beginning of the Republican race he was a pariah, but he won in the end. At the beginning of the US Presidential race he was a pariah, but he won in the end. At the beginning of his Presidency he was a pariah, so there’s a good chance he’ll win in the end.

hillary-41775_640Hillary Clinton on the other hand was treated as the Chosen One by the Democrats, liberals, intelligentsia, Hollywood and Silicon Valley czars who are downright petrified of her. They were sure that there was absolutely no way that she could be defeated before November 8, 2016. In the end the White House and its complete administration became a mere tool for her ambitions in 2016. Her followers are in positions of great power and are smug and arrogant.

The tonnes of allegations against Hillary, which were never investigated due to her proximity to power at all times, could fill a fat book.

It is ironic that Rowling in the fictional universe slayed Voldemort and the Death Eaters through her writings, but in the real world is a Death Eater who supports a real-life Voldemort.

© Sunil Rajguru

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