UK Conservative Party’s 5 steps to political oblivion

London Parliament1. Why have a Brexit referendum when you don’t want Brexit in the first place? (June 2016)
David Cameron didn’t want Brexit. Most of the politicians in the UK didn’t want Brexit. Most of London didn’t want Brexit. So if you want to firmly stay in the EU, why have a Brexit referendum? David Cameron’s decision defies logic. All his reasoning was dubious at that time and even more so with hindsight. And if the country finally voted for Brexit, why resign and not implement their will? Initially Cameron talked of a 3-4 months transition. Why hang about when you don’t want to do your job?

2. Why replace a Remainer with a Remainer? (July 2016)
Luckily the replacement came in July. But what is the logic of replacing one Remainer (Cameron) with another Remainer (Theresa May). Only a Brexiteer PM would have sorted out the issue. But the Conservatives insisted on insulting a public mandate and making the whole issue fester.

3. After a needless referendum, why go in for a needless snap poll? (June 2017)
May proved to be a Cameron clone. Both were Remainers and both called for needless public polls to waste everyone’s time.

4. Boris Johnson coming late to the party (July 2019)
Love him or hate him, he was the only person who should have been PM in 2016 as a true Brexiteer. Instead Cameron quit and May proved ineffective in giving a good solution for the Brits. Johnson also couldn’t do much initially and had to foist yet another snap poll on the public (December 2019) to get his way, only to find himself out thanks to the Conservatives total inability to implement Brexit. We had a PM for under 2 months followed by Rishi Sunak.

5. Why have yet another snap poll? (July 2024)
The writing was on the wall. Labour was heading for a landslide. So any PM would have simply waited till December when the term ended hoping that either Labour started making mistakes or something happened in the next few months that would make the Conservatives better. But Sunak pulled the rug 5-6 months before the term expired.

Bottomline: From 2016-24, the Conservatives gave the public a referendum and three general elections. They desperately seemed to be wanting to end every term while every PM seemed itching to quit. Well they all finally got their wish with a Labour landslide in 2024.

Of exits and referendums…

westminster-1472807_640Going in circles…
2014: Scottish referendum.
2015: General elections.
2016: Brexit.
2017: General elections.
2018: Another Scottish referendum or general election or Brexit referendum?

So Spain joins in the party.
#CataloniaExit #CatExit
Europe seems to be steadily disintegrating.

2014: Scottish Exit fails.
2015: Cameron wins surprisingly.
Conservatives: Stability is boring. Kucch toofani karte hai!
2016: Brexit.
2017: Snap poll.
Bang! Hello darkness my old friend!

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

10 ways how Trump will turn the globe totally upside down

donald-trump-1757583_640Most of the focus on US President Donald Trump has been about him being a “Hitler” (the Left just loves throwing that adjective hundreds of times a day) and him being “illegitimate (despite him thrashing Hillary Clinton 304-227 in the 2016 Electoral College vote).

Protesters seem to forget that Trump is the most powerful man in the world and cannot be toppled by screaming hysterically from the rooftops 24 hours a day. Meanwhile Trump is virtually on the rampage trying to implement his totally different worldview.

The mainstream media, the Left lobby and Democrats keep hurling the word “chaos” at the Trump administration but they are the ones in total disarray. Meanwhile Trump is sticking to his gameplan.

A look at the grand changes that he is bringing in.

1. Globalization is out. Localization is in.

For decades we have been presented with the fact of globalization being inevitable and the only way forward. That’s why heads of state have been virtually shoving it down the throats of their citizens. Governments, banks, financial institutions and all manner of global organizations have totally aligned themselves to this reality.

There was some overlap in the Brexit and Trump campaigns and in a way they fed off each other. Both won in the same year and have changed the course of globalization and Europe faces disintegration. Had Hillary come to power, she would have fought against it it tooth and nail but Trump will in fact facilitate it.

Both French Marine Le Pen and Dutch Geert Wilders draw inspiration from Trump and it is certain that they will either win the upcoming elections in their countries or become the main opposition leaders. Frexit and Dexit referendums seem inevitable now.

Trump is the world’s biggest anti-globalization ambassador and the fact that he is now the most powerful man in the world will boost localization. Make America Great Again: Many countries will follow this mantra by just replacing “America” with their country.

(Read: Why 2016 (like 1991) is the Year of Disruption)

2. Climate Change has been totally rubbished.

polar-bear-2199534_640This was another inevitability we were presented with in the pre-Trump Age. The Left lobby calls those who do not subscribe to their climate views “deniers”, compare them to murderers and call for them to be jailed. California in fact has introduced legislation to that end.

Trump has thrown the very concept of Climate Change into the dustbin. The government website was officially changed just when Trump took over. Hardliner Scott Pruitt, who has taken the Left climate lobby head-on on numerous occasions, is now head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Trump has said he wants nothing much to do with United Nations Climate Change Conference. This is a big blow to the climate lobby which has been whipping up quite a hysteria. Obama was a delight for them and Hillary would have continued with his policies, but Trump has effected a 180 degree turn.

(Read: The climate talks fraud and why India won’t do much)

3. Open borders are dead and dusted.

statue-of-liberty-828665_640German Angela Merkel, former US President Barack Obama and Hillary saw eye to eye on the issue of immigration. In fact had Hillary come to power, she might have well tried to break Merkel’s immigration records. But Merkel is disgraced, Hillary is history and the Obama legacy is being dismantled.

The era of open borders is finally over. While Trump has been rubbished for his border wall with Mexico, many European nations are openly talking about fences to keep out immigrants. Trump. Brexit. Le Pen. Wilders. The future looks closed.

Even though a court blocked one of his executive orders, he is coming out with a slew of initiatives to check illegal immigration and crime and so the tide is already turning.

(Read: Rising Islamophobia in Europe a worrying sign)

4. West Asia will see a transformation.

palestine-gaza-strip-in-2015-678979_640Both the Bushes went to war with Iraq. Both Bill Clinton and Obama seemed confused over West Asia. Trump plans a radical break from both. While almost every American supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Trump was one of the first prominent dissenting voices soon after. He alienated a sections of the Republican base by blasting Bush over the Iraq war.

Obama had embarked on a policy of liquidating West Asia dictators starting with Libyan Muammar Gaddafi and failing with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. After that Obama’s West Asia policy drifted and was mired in confusion and chaos.

Trump is presented as a Hitler who will start World War 3 but if you go be speeches, then he’s totally anti-war. In fact if you can pick up one consistent obsession from all his speeches then it’s trade. He has a one-track mind on that.

Trump doesn’t believe in grand treaties or wars but getting the best trade deals for America via individual treaties with individual countries. That’s exactly his long-term vision for West Asia. He has opposed Obama’s soft stance on both Iran and Saudi Arabia, so that’s another change.

But the biggest change will be Israel. Israel has always been a friend of America and they came really close in the 1970s thanks to the Shuttle Diplomacy and the oil crisis. Obama tried his best to launch an all-out diplomatic war against Israel but Trump will reverse that. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu detests Obama and likes Trump but that doesn’t stop the American press from curiously calling Trump anti-Semitic.

(Read: Why the Middle East problem is so complicated)

5. Big Oil is back with a bang.

oil-106913_640A few years back if you said that the Chairman of ExxonMobil would become the US Secretary of State, then you would have been laughed out of the room. But that has already happened. No amount of screaming by the Climate Change lobby can change that.

The Secretary of State is the most important person in America after the President and Rex Tillerson is big on trade and oil. It is a huge departure from the John Kerry and especially Hillary days.

After taking over, Trump immediately overturned the oil pipeline ban put in place by Obama and “Drill Baby Drill!” is back with a bang. The world has never seen the likes of the troika of Trump-Tillerson-Pruitt and the Leftist environmental lobby is powerless.

Trump is at heart a Capitalist who supports the oil industry and has the balls to carry out his vision.

(Read: What if the world never runs out of oil?)

6. The terminal decline of Communist intellectualism.

hammer-and-sickle-1183328_640Communism was seen as an Utopia in 1848. It seemed internationally inevitable after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of the late 1940s. However with the Chinese Economic Reform of 1978 and the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the whole world saw what a royal sham it was.

Leftist parties like the US Democrats, UK Labour and Indian Congress tried their best to go Left. They were fully supported by the media, Liberals, intellectuals, NGOs and the like. That regime ruled till the 2000s.

But in the 2010s they were totally busted by the troika of Modi-Brexit-Trump (the social media was a great help) and the Left has really taken a beating. While Modi has waged a silent war against the Left, Trump has gone all out.

(Read: The decline of the Socialist Liberal Intellectual Media Ecosystem or SLIME)

7. The death of the media.

press-2333329_640The Fourth Estate had virtually become the Fifth Column. They are nothing but mouthpieces of the global Left establishment. They campaigned for the Democratic party and Hillary in 2016.

The influence of the media is already over, but they are just being propped up by their advertisers. The day their advertisers desert them, they will fall like a flimsy pack of cards. The BBC is no longer respected, CNN ratings have plummeted and the New York Times is facing financial difficulties.

Now Trump is taking the media head on and openly dubbing them Fake News. He is rubbishing them in his Tweets and speeches, snubbing them in person, boycotting their events, misleading them with umpteen red herrings and excluding them from certain meetings. Trump is generally playing them at will and having a good laugh at their expense.

The media has never encountered anyone like Trump and so far is losing every major battle.

(Read: The men who killed the mainstream media)

(Read: Trump and Modi’s victories show public decides elections, not media)

8. Taking Islamic terrorism head on.

criminal-1577887_640Nobody talks of the huge elephant in the global room. The Islamic State has tens of thousands of terrorists. Pakistan has tens of thousands of terrorists. Many Islamic countries have thousands of terrorists.

The Al-Qaeda of yesterday and the Boko Haram of today have been really destructive. But many world leaders, Obama included, refused to use the term “Islamic terrorism”, something that Trump is not shying away from and using in his official speeches.

Immigrant crime has wrecked many areas of Europe, but most world leaders refuse to even acknowledge the problem let alone do anything about it. Trump does not shy away from being blunt on the issue of Islamic terrorism and though it is early days, he has vowed that his words will be backed by action.

(Read: Eight reasons why the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ is already upon us)

(Read: Islamic State is a Country not a Terrorist Group)

(Read: Do you know how many million Muslims must die for War On Terror?)

9. United Nations will become irrelevant.
un-1190183_640The League of Nations died a natural death and the United Nations was becoming more and more irrelevant. Obama tried for a big push during his term to boost it, but he wasn’t very successful. Now Trump has made it clear that he is no fan of the United Nations and is not even ready to play lip service.

America is a big financial sponsor of the UN and Trump has proposed a cut in funding. Trump has thrashed the UN’s overtly anti-Israel pro-Palestine stance and vowed to neutralize it. In fact the media is already speculating that United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is planning to go in for a virtual war with the global body.

(Read: United we fall?)

10. The end of political correctness.

trump-2062441_640Political correctness was taken to ridiculous levels levels during the Obama years. That has produced a generation of snowflakes and people who take great offence at each and every thing. The Left hurled myriad abuses at anyone who even differed from the narrative.

Trump has thrown political correctness into the fire. He is blunt. He calls a spade a spade. He blasts his critics with his Tweets and speeches. One of the reasons why people voted for him is because they were really getting tired of political correctness. Trump may probably end up being the most politically incorrect US President of all time.

They thought he would change during the fag end of 2015. They thought he would change after getting the Republican ticket. They thought he would change after getting elected. They thought he would change after taking the oath of office.

No sir! No changes! Welcome to the Politically Incorrect Era!

(Read: 8 reasons why “Joker” Donald became a “Trump” card in the American political game)

Yet more #Brexit musings…

When the human race becomes extinct, will Mother Earth celebrate ‪#‎Humanexit‬?

The last Brit to win the Wimbledon’s men’s singles was way back in 1936.
(Headline after ‪#‎Scotexit‬)

At this rate, “exit” will become the greatest suffix of the century, as # has already emerged as the Number one prefix.

May will become Prime Minister in July.

The USA and India did great when the Brits left.
Don’t worry EU!

Looks like it’s a chain reaction…

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Yet more #Brexit musings…

#‎Brexit‬ has hit liberals and intellectuals really really hard.
Their Brains have exited their heads.
So for them #Brexit = Brain exit.

By the time Charles becomes King, he would be left only with England.
William will be the Prince of London, not Wales.

Liberals and intellectuals back democracy only if the results agree with them.
Otherwise they are OK with dictatorship.
‪#‎Brexit‬ ‪#‎Trump‬

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

#Brexit musings…

eu-1473958_640In 2014, 31% Indians became bigots.
In 2016, 52% Brits became bigots.
Let’s see what % of Americans become bigots by 2016 end.

1. Scottish Independence.
2. Scotland joining EU.
3. Ireland unification.
4. United Ireland joining EU.
Then final one for…
5. England rejoining EU.

The referendum should have had three choices…
1. Leave.
2. Remain.
3. I don’t know what the hell all this really means.
3. might have won hands down.

Options they want to put in the next referendum…
1. Remain (prosperous).
2. Leave (and get ruined).

Model employee.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron gracefully resigned from his post and gave his country a 3-month notice period.

The end of every winter in Britain should henceforth be called ‪#‎BrrrExit‬.


If Spain quits the EU, then it’ll be one helluva
Hasta la vista baby!

c/o UK.
c/o EU.
UK: Chuck c/o EU.
Scotland: Chuck c/o UK.

Merkel lets in refugees.
GB exits EU.
Cameron quits.
Scotland may quit.
More referendum calls.
German chancellors & Europe!

India to Britain…
‪#‎Brexit‬ ho gaya, theek hai.
Ab ‪#‎Mallyaexit‬ kara do.

Out of touch?
99% media opposed Brexit.
52% Brits supported it.
99% media opposed Trump.
45% Republicans voted for him—Against 25% for Cruz.

After ‪#‎Brexit‬ will come ‪#‎Branxiety‬.

Advice for future referendums…
Have a Best of 5 series of referendums over a period of one year to let it sink in for the voters.

You can’t have a second referendum.
If Remain wins, then Leave will push for Best of 3 and even force a national crisis.

It seems…
52% voters in Great Britain support Brexit.
99% of people outside oppose it.
But as they say…
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Why we have anti-intellectualism.
Trump, 52% voters support Brexit.
Cameron, Obama, 48% oppose.
Intellectuals: Trump, 52% should be ashamed!

It is not anti-intellectualism.
People are totally tired of the lies intellectuals have been telling them for decades.
‪#‎Brexit‬ ‪#‎Trump‬

EU: You look tired. Do you want to take leave?
GB: Permanent leave please.

After Brexit, people are asking, who is next?
So that should be called ‪#‎Nexit‬.
Or ‪#‎Whoisnexit‬.

1. England.
2. Britain.
3. UK.
4. EU
Now in reverse.
4. Out of EU.
3. ‪#‎Scotexit‬ looming to make it Disunited Kingdom.

Traditional media fought against Modi, Trump’s Republican nomination and Brexit.
Lost on all fronts.
Hillary has 100% media support.
She should be very afraid.

If they are having second thoughts, they can have another referendum and call it ‪#‎Brexitexit‬.

United Kingdom beats United Europe.
Britain is Great without EU.
Leave letter trumps Stay order.
Cameroff for Prime Minister?

Crazy predictions in 2010…
Modi to be PM.
Ex-IRS officer to be Delhi CM.
Leicester City to win Premier League.
Britain to leave EU.
Trump to be US President.

EU wins—Collapses.
Obama wins—West Asia collapses.
Mohammed Yunus wins—Charged with fraud.
Kofi Annan wins—In oil for food scam.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru