Long back (it really seems ages ago now), Barack picked up his mobile and read: President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst President in the history of the United States Exclamation Point @realDonaldTrump. Then he added: At least I will go down as a President. Then he threw down the mobile for great dramatic effect and to thunderous and rapturous applause.
It was implied that at least he would go down as a President while Trump never would. That statement has been shattered to smithereens bringing into focus the first statement which could well be true.
Here are 8 reasons why Obama may well go down as the worst President in US history…
1. Ending his term with a Republican dictatorship.
When Obama won in 2008, the Democrats were in the ascendant and many predicted a Democratic dictatorship by the end of Obama’s even then two probable terms. Well the Republicans engaged in an intense battle in the US Congress that really began with the Tea Party and one must say that they walloped him black and blue.
While Obama fanboys called it obstructionist and unfair, the people of America clearly backed the Republicans. From 2010 the Republicans marched to victory upon victory capturing all the power groups that the nation has to offer. As of time of writing this article, the Republicans lead the Democrats House of Representatives 237-193 and the Senate 52-46.
They completed a hat-trick when they captured the White House. Out of the 50 States, they also control more 30+ Governorships and State legislatures. By the time Trump is done, the Supreme Court will be more Conservative than Liberal.
When Obama took over America was headed for a Democratic dictatorship. When he left America was a Republican dictatorship. In fact the Republicans have never had such a stranglehold since their foundation in 1854 and for that America has to thank Obama.
A monopoly of any one party is not good for any country and Obama will continue to meddle in US politics as everyone else in the Democratic party has been reduced to a dwarf status. A survey claimed that Obama officially become the first US President to lose more than 1000 political seats during his term for any party.
2. Leaving West Asia in total ruins.
West Asia is the cornerstone of any US Presidency. Many consider Jimmy Carter as the worst Democratic President in recent history but even he brought peace with the Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt.
Nobody really knows what Obama’s West Asia policy was. Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was assassinated and the country is still in limbo. Iran was allowed to continue with its nuclear programme till it almost got there and they were paid tonnes of money for god knows what.
The Iraq crisis was made worse, the Syrian war raged on and Obama looked the other way while Islamic State flourished. Saudi Arabia joined in the war party and blasted Yemen to smithereens.
Stable Turkey went rogue diplomatically and Trump will now face a dangerous Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Thanks to all that Russian President Vladimir Putin got a foothold in West Asia and now no amount of Trump bashing can change that.
Finally and curiously, Obama launched an all out diplomatic war on Israel towards the end of his term despite the fact that, for better or worse, Israel is America’s best friend in West Asia.
3. Strengthening the ultimate surveillance state.
Obama’s predecessor George W Bush laid the foundations of the ultimate surveillance state, but it was Obama who took it to dizzying heights. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that’s why the information leak and hacking also was unprecedented. Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Edward Snowden and the PRISM revelations.
The globe was horrified at the colossal scale that the Obama administration was snooping on everyone in the world. Forget American citizens, even German Chancellor Angela Merkel wasn’t safe.
The Obama administration had so much information that they built the $1.5 billion 1.5 million square feet Utah Data Center to house it. It can store data in the range of exabytes, or billions of gigabytes. 65 megawatts of power will be required in a year along with millions of litres of water a day just to keep it functional.
There were reports of giant government towers across America capturing personal data of the mobiles of unwitting citizens as they passed by but as usual the mainstream media gave a free pass to Obama and totally overlooked all his faults.
If America is bad at handling data, then certain authoritarian regimes will be even worse. It is in this light that it is perplexing why Obama handed over the control of the Internet to the United Nations. So it really came as no surprise when Trump Tweeted that Obama was snooping on him during the fag days of his Presidency.
4. Hillary. Hillary. Hillary.
Conservatives detested the Clinton years from 1993-2001. Liberals detested the Bush years from 2001-09. Obama took over amidst great hope, bipartisan support and had such tremendous goodwill that he could have begun on a clean slate.
However he surprised many when he picked Hillary as his Secretary of State bringing back the toxic Clinton years. This was surprising because they had viciously attacked each other during campaigning for US President.
Hillary masterminded the absolutely dismal West Asia policy as mentioned above and her foreign policy was a total joke. Obama claimed that his Presidency was relatively scandal free but that was incorrect. Allegations of scandals swirl around the Clintons wherever they go.
Then when he should have investigated Emailgate and other scandals, he gave Hillary a clean chit and pushed her with all his might for the presidency. He oversaw the DNC partisanly pushing for Hillary over Bernie Sanders. The electorate gave such a resounding slap to Obama-Hillary that he is yet to recover and one only wonders how the Obama presidency could have been had he broken free from the Clintons in 2009.
5. Paying merely lip service to everything.
Obama is charismatic. He is a great speaker. But that’s about it. He has no major achievements. He just talks fancy. It sounded great in 2008 and he got away in 2012 too. But in 2016 all his words sound vapid and hollow.
In terms of “initial promises, expectations and hope” compared to “final concrete results”, Obama is definitely the worst President in US history.
6. Gun violence and racial tension.
In today’s world we have to go by results and gun violence and racial tension soared in Obama’s tenure. Gun sales spiked every time Obama lectured America on gun violence as citizens would scramble to the nearest gun store. In fact his critics called him history’s greatest gun salesman.
Gun violence and deaths were up and racial tensions increased. Towards the end of his term the militant group Black Lives Matter went on the ascendant and they believe in shooting white policemen.
7. A highly divided America.
Obama’s wife Michelle went saying there was no hope in America. Well that pointed more to Obama’s failed 8 years than anything else. Obama during his presidency always took the high ground, sermonizing and delivering moral lectures non-stop totally alienating his critics and detractors and widening the divide.
Instead of staying away from the highly divisive 2016 elections, he totally backed the scandal-ridden Hillary and when she lost, he tried to sabotage the coming Trump presidency from November 8 to January 20. Sanders and Hillary supporters went on the rampage against Trump during the run up to the elections. Democratic supporters tried to instigate riots after Trump was elected. Obama merely looked on with apparent tacit approval.
Now he has overseen Tom Perez as the DNC Chairman, the man who infamously declared that white people were not entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act. Vice Chairman Keith Ellison has links with the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been declared as a terrorist organization by many countries. Ellison also blamed Jews for 9/11.
A report said that Obama diverted billions of dollars of funds to Left-wing groups. If that is true then he has to share part of the blame of Left-wing groups going on the rampage after Trump was elected President. They are still doing so.
As you can see, the divide will only increase. In fact Obama’s Attorney General recently called for more blood and death on the streets to protest Trump and the Democrats used it on their social media page as words of inspiration.
8. Trump will totally overturn the Obama legacy.
At the end of the day it depends on how history judges you and whether all your policies are taken forward or bite the dust. That way you can be sure that Trump will go all out to destroy the Obama legacy completely. In four years the Obama legacy will be dust and if Trump gets a second term then Obama will merely become a footnote in US history.
Trump has attacked Obamacare, overturned his immigration initiatives, rubbished his stand on Climate Change and cancelled his oil pipeline bans. That was just in the first few weeks of the Trump presidency.
Parting shot…
They said that Trump wasn’t serious. He was.
They said that Trump wouldn’t get the Republican ticket. He did.
They said that Trump wouldn’t be President. He is.
Now these very same people are saying that Trump will not be a great President and for that reason you can put your money behind Trump.
The following looked totally improbable in 2016 but may well be true in 2025…
Trump was a really good President, but Obama was the absolute worst!
This is very good analysis. Those who look suave, polished, speak softly like our Man Mohan Singh – are most of the times – worst performers. The suave frontal face of commies of India is what begets them their fate and in turn those who they by fortune rule. Public faces the brunt as intelligentsia (?) backs such goons to nurture and nourish their alter-ego and pay them their due for worthless support. In the end it comes out like old peel of paint slowly and if Modi and Trump like leaders are there a little faster.
Thanks for such a nice article.
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