5 reasons why the 2018 US mid-term election results were great…

31. The new ruling triumvirate shares power perfectly: Trump is a Republican but he could well be an Independent with a mind of his own. There were a huge swathe of Republican Anti Trumpers in 2015 and they have been reducing by the day, though they haven’t fully gone. So there are actually three power entities in America and not two: Trump, the Republicans and the Democrats.

And lo behold! The troika now share power and can check each other…
Trump has the White House.
The Republicans have the Senate.
The Democrats have the House.

smiley-2616203_960_7202. Tensions have been greatly reduced: The Dems lost sudden power in 2016 and went unhinged. Since then they have been spouting nonsense from the rooftops 24X7 and backing all manner of violent protests. Had they got nothing in 2018, then they would have gone one step beyond unhinged.

But now they have some power and hence some responsibility. They will continue to oppose Trump 24X7 but at the same time they will have to show some results via the House by 2020 and also focus within for the 2020 Presidential race.

handshake-440959_960_7203. Middle ground issues may finally be worked on: The media has pushed the accelerator on the polarization button and it seemed that there was no common ground for the Democrats and Republicans. Both the issues they are seeking became polarized too.

But now Trump will have to mediate and seek the middle ground to and get some results especially in terms of things like immigrations and healthcare. Obama ruled by executive decree alone antagonizing Congress and that’s why none of his legacies have lasted. Trump will now have to work with both parties but.

scared-2175161_960_7204. No real shock this time: Global citizens are reeling from failed predictions and things that were impossible actually happening. Trump can’t win! Brexit can’t happen. The Right cannot gain prominence in Europe! Even in India, nobody saw Narendra Modi’s BJP getting 272+ in early 2014 or BJP conquering state after state in the years after that.

But here the predictions actually went along predicted lines where the Democrats were slated to capture the House and the Republicans the Senate and Trump not losing much ground.

trump-2023751_960_7205. Growing interest in politics continues: Just 36.4% people voted in the 2014 US mid-terms, which was touted to be the lowest turnout in 70 years. However after that the 2016 US elections were probably the most followed ever.

Well the numbers continue and more than 100 million voted for the 2018 mid-terms. World over interest in politics is increasing and that’s a good sign.

The American Democrats are the most popular, or are they?

america-2025465_640The Republicans have won only one of the popular votes of the last seven US Presidential elections since 1990…

Clinton (D), Clinton (D), Gore (D), Bush (R), Obama (D), Obama (D) and Hillary (D).

So seen from that angle it is 6/7 for Democrats and just 1/7 for Republicans.

So you may say that the Democratic Party is by far the most popular party of America.

However, the Republicans have now six of their last 10 Presidencies.

So seen from that angle it is 6/10 for Republicans and 4/10 for Democrats.

Democrat Franklin D Roosevelt won a record four successive terms after the Great Depression to World War 2.

But after that the Republicans lead the Presidential race in terms of election wins 10-7.

So seen from that angle, post-FDR it is 10/17 for Republicans and 7/17 for Democrats.

Moreover the Republicans will shortly rule the troika of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives and they have the most Governors. They are the clear leaders in State and local contests.

So you may now say that the Republican Party is by far the most popular party of America.

© Sunil Rajguru

Trump musings…

American Dream.
1. Anyone can become President.
2. Anyone can become a billionaire.
Anyone can become a billionaire President.

So far…
Trump fighting Cruz-Rubio-Kasich + Republican Establishment + Media + Intellectuals + Left and still winning.

Sanders’ supporters disrupt Trump rally.
Economist says Trump worse than jehadi terrorism.
Trump’s son gets death threat.
Media: It’s Trump’s fault!

Sanders’ supporters disrupt Trump rally.
Media targets Trump for that.
Typical Communist action and Communist media reaction.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Contemporary Knock Knock Jokes 16

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Defeats who?
The feats of the Indian cricketing team have changed from record winning streaks to record losing streaks!

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
World Champions India.
World Champions India who?
World Champions in the air!

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Republican presidential candidate.
Republican presidential candidate who?
Good question!

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Budget who?
Baja thok ke chal diye desh ko FM sahib.

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Kahaa ni woh akeli kaafi hai film ko superhit banana ke liye!

These versions by Sunil Rajguru