#USPresidentialPolls2016 musings…

Dynasty/nepotism ✔
Scandals ✔
Middle East wars ✔
Security/emails threat ✔
Health problems ✔
Compulsive liar ✔
Zero transparency ✔
Dictatorial control over media ✔
Dictatorial control over establishment ✔
Trump ✘

With biased moderator, victim can’t lose.
Only two reactions…
1. He won despite the moderator.
2. He lost because of the moderator.

While coming Senate trashed Obama’s Guantanamo closure plans 90-6.
While going Senate trashes his Saudi Bill veto 97-1.
Sums up his Presidency.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Trump-Hillary musings…

Hitler ruined Europe.
Obama-Hillary ruined the Middle East.
Trump hasn’t done anything yet.
So right now, who’s more like Hitler?

Pappu will destroy the Congress.
Corbyn will destroy Labour.
Hillary will destroy the Democrats.”

High stakes.
Hillary has the unconditional support of the President, liberals, media, intellectuals and powerful Left ecosystem.
If she loses, they all lose.

Trump has momentum.
Europe is burning.
Terror is alarming.
Hillary is unstoppable.
Europe on right track.
Get used to terror.

Ever since Obama made the intolerance comment on India, intolerance has skyrocketed in America.
Be careful who you make dig at.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

US Presidential poll musings…

This year the least hated presidential candidate will be elected to lead the world’s Number 1 Superpower.

Latest US Prez requirement…
“Don’t be born in the American mainland”.
Obama: Born in Hawaii.
McCain: Born in Panama Canal Zone.
Cruz: Born in Canada.

US Democratic fight…
Old (Hillary-68) versus Older (Sanders-74).
Leftist (Hillary) versus Leftister (Sanders).

America’s Presidential C-Battle…
Capitalist Trump.
Communist Sanders .
Clinton The Second.
Canadian American Cruz.
Cuban American Rubio.

Cruz cruises.
Trump trumped.
Marco makes a mark.
Hillary jittery.
Bernie nearly.

US poll wisdom…
Hillary supporters will vote for Hillary.
Cruz supporters will vote for Cruz.
Ben supporters will vote for Ben.
Trump supporters “may” vote for Trump.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru