Columns on the anti-rape movement

6 things to note about the Nirbhaya documentary…
March 6, 2015,

Bangalore rape: Go after those who cover up crime
July 24, 2014,

Boy, we really hate our girls!
30 January, 2014,

5 changes since the 2012 anti-rape agitation
17 December, 2013,

The anti-rape agitation is a lifelong movement
08 April, 2013,

8 demands of the anti-rape protestors
30 December, 2012,

Womanhood butchered from the cradle to the grave
29 December, 2012,

A note to the dented and painted Indian woman
27 December, 2012,

Theek Nahi Hai!: Open letter to Manmohan Singh
24 December, 2012,

Long live the Indian Revolution!
23 December, 2012,

6 factors that promote violence against women
19 December, 2012,

Those who don’t have it, shut up. Those who have it, complain the most.

poor-2382641_640In India, there are people with absolutely no access to media or freedom of speech and expression.

Then there are people who have access to newspapers but no TV.

Then there are those who have access to TV but no Internet.

At the top of the pyramid you will find citizens of cyberspace who rant against every topic under the sun and have access to all the information which those at the bottom can only dream of. Yet it is this group of people which will shout the loudest that their freedom of speech and expression is at stake and vital information is shortcoming.

Into ten if you are a celebrity in cyberspace.

© Sunil Rajguru

Arvind the not so Aam Aadmi…

Yogendra Yadav-Prashant Bhushan…
2013—We are fighting the tyranny of UPA2.
2014—We are fighting the tyranny of Fascist Modi.
2015—We are fighting the tyranny of our honourable Supreme Leader.

Aam Aadmi–>Senior Aam Aadmi–>Chief Aam Aadmi–>Khaas Aadmi–>Honourable Supreme Leader.
(Meanwhile YoYa and PrBh demoted to Junior Aam Aadmis)

Wait for Pappu to take over, then those sidelined from the BJP, AAP and Congress can launch the ABCD Party—AAP BJP Congress Discards.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru