Arvind the not so Aam Aadmi…

Yogendra Yadav-Prashant Bhushan…
2013—We are fighting the tyranny of UPA2.
2014—We are fighting the tyranny of Fascist Modi.
2015—We are fighting the tyranny of our honourable Supreme Leader.

Aam Aadmi–>Senior Aam Aadmi–>Chief Aam Aadmi–>Khaas Aadmi–>Honourable Supreme Leader.
(Meanwhile YoYa and PrBh demoted to Junior Aam Aadmis)

Wait for Pappu to take over, then those sidelined from the BJP, AAP and Congress can launch the ABCD Party—AAP BJP Congress Discards.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

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