Indian Revenue Service.
No idea of revenue.
No idea of service.
No idea of Indian.
Indian Institute of Technology.
No idea of technology.
Chief Minister of New Delhi.
No idea of New Delhi.
Only idea: “Chief”. I. Me. Main.
Film reviews ✓
Personal attacks ✓
Allegations ✓
No portfolio ✓
No work ✓
Garbage woes✘
Power woes✘
Delhi problems✘
New Delhi…
2011: Spring of Hope.
2016: Winter of Despair and Discontent.
It is said that Delhi is a city which has been destroyed and rebuilt 7 times.
After Kejri is finished with it, it may have to be rebuilt the 8th time.
Loading Anarchy in New Delhi.
20% downloaded.
80% left.
Give a self-confessed Anarchist 67/70 seats in an Assembly and you will definitely get anarchy. Just four more years though.
Highest paid Chief Minister in India.
+ Most media goodwill.
= Least amount of work.
Kejri’s 2 gears.
1. Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me.
2. Modi Modi Modi Modi Modi Modi.
2 “Left” turns = 1 U-turn.
2 U-turns = Back to where he started.
Repeat process again and again.
Kejri with 67 MLAs is 10 times more powerless than Sheila Dixit with 43 MLAs.
These versions by Sunil Rajguru