Hillary Dickory Dock…

#Deplorables Rubbishes Trump voters.
#BasementDwellers Rubbishes Sanders voters.
#Podesta Rubbishes own voters.

The leaked documents on the sins of Hillary could now fill an entire library.

Hillary-Obama West Asia mismanagement may have cost tens of thousands of lives.
At least it’s open to debate.
How many did Trump kill?
“Hitler” has become a joke.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

US Presidential election musings…

Advisor 1: If Hillary becomes Prez, First Lady will become what?
Advisor 2: Ask Bill.
Advisor 1: Sir, First Lady?
Bill: LOL! First Lady? I am on my 2000th Lady!

Democrat: If our system was perfect, then Trump would never have been nominated.
Republican: If our system was perfect, then Hillary would be in jail by now.

For media, liberals, intellectuals, Leftists, seculars and DNC, Hillary is the messiah and Trump is an anti-Christ.

If you are perplexed at how Modi won and Trump is winning, it means you read/watch too much of mainstream media.
Social media trends are rarely wrong.

For those still thinking that Trump is “fringe” and “pariah”, know that 14 million people have already voted for him!

Bill’s charisma pushed her to the Senate.
Barack made her Secretary of State (out of guilt?).
DNC made her a Presidential candidate.


In a fair election, Sanders may have beaten Hillary.
By settling with a DNC apology and endorsing Hillary—he’s betraying his own supporters.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

No matter how low Hillary sunks, they’ll attack Trump…

Obama: Bush is the establishment. I’m the anti-establishment.
Slogan: Yes we can.
Trump: Obama is the establishment. I’m the anti-establishment.
Slogan: Yes we can make America great again.

Even when the millionth scandal/revelation comes about Hillary, the mainstream media will still exclusively continue to attack Trump 24X7.

Democrats: We condemn Trump’s proposed wall to keep out Mexicans, but we’ve built a 4-mile fence at convention site to keep out Americans.

All Trump has to do is keep replaying Obama’s 2008 and Sanders’ 2016 campaigns against Hillary and sit back and enjoy the fun.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

This is how the Hillary-Trump debates will go…

Actual Twitter exchange between US Presidential Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton

Trump: Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!

Hillary:  Delete your account.

Trump: How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up–and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?

So, this is how the Hillary-Trump debates will go then…

Hillary: You have made money from a corrupt private system.
Trump: You have made money from a corrupt government system.

Hillary: You should be jailed for your comments.
Trump: You should be jailed for your deeds.

Hillary: You are a misogynist.
Trump: Your husband is a bigger misogynist and you’re standing on his shoulders.

Hillary: You are a hated man!
Trump: You are more hated!

Hillary: Your party hates you!
Trump: So does yours!

Hillary: You will be a disaster as President!
Trump: You will be a bigger disaster!

Hillary: Your foreign policy will be a joke when you become President.
Trump: You foreign policy was a bigger joke when you were Secretary of State.

Hillary: You are a polarizing figure.
Trump: You are more polarizing.

US Presidential musings…

Why Trump may win…
‪#‎ISimplyHateTrump‬ beats ‪#‎ButIHateHillaryEvenMore‬
(May the best man win = May the least hated person win!)

Every politician’s dilemma…
Obama: Down down Hillary!
Sanders: Down down Hillary!
Obama/Sanders: Up up Hillary!

The US President is King of the Global World Order.
So if Trump gets elected, forget America, you may have to leave this planet.

Had super delegates not rigged it, Sanders would have got all anti-Hillary and anti-Trump votes, which would be a good chunk.

Democrat leadership supports dynasty over merit.
Sanders was far more charismatic, but super delegates put him behind at start line itself.

Socialists/Communists say the American Dream is dead.
Can we instead discuss the Russian Dream from 1917-91?

100% American Presidents have been males who had at least one white parent.

If elected, ages when their US Presidential term ends in 2021…
Sanders 79.
Trump 74.
Hillary 73.
Old age pensioners club of candidates!

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Trump is the enemy musings…

Q: What did Obama do for refugees in his 8 years?
A: Trump will build a wall.
Q: How did Obama help African Americans in 8 years?
A: Trump is a bigot.
Q: Did Obama really change America in any way in 8 years?
A: Trump will destroy America.
Q: Was Obama’s foreign policy a disaster?
A: Trump’s foreign policy will be a disaster.

Sanders supporters are typically doing what all Communist supporters do.
Verbal abuse, throwing of chairs, disruption…
They now have targeted both Trump and Hillary.

Had the super delegates backed Sanders, then he would have been ahead.
If Trump beats Hillary, then the Democrats only have themselves to blame.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru