8 shifting goal posts of the Mueller probe

donald-trump-wheel3259388_960_720Everyone knew the Donald Trump-Vladimir Putin Russian collusion theory was 100% fake and everyone knew that the Mueller probe that looked into it would probably yield nothing. But still there was such tremendous hype round it. Why?

The simple reason was that this was all a witch hunt and Trump haters were clutching at straws because they were drowning in the tears produced by the loss of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential polls. Marxists (Socialists + Liberals + intellectuals etc) have a habit of shifting goalposts.

When they don’t score, as they usually haven’t been doing in the 2010s, they simply shift the goal posts and claim victory. However in this particular case, they were so off target that all the multiple goal posts missed.

Here is a list of traps that the Trump haters set for the current US President…

1. He would be a lame duck President.

dementia trump-1750965_960_720That was their first goal. They hope that he would be unable to function from Day 1. They hoped he wouldn’t be able to function in Washington DC and be consumed by the swamp. Trump may be a billionaire with decades with experience, but this was his first political job.

At that time even the Republican leadership abhorred him and the Democrats thought that they would get together and neutralize him via the Mueller probe which wouldn’t let him function.

2. He would resign in frustration.

checkmate-1511866_960_720If the above played out, then Trump would be totally frustrated at having no work done. On top of that Mueller would always be hanging above him like a Damocles Sword and he might wonder: What if the special counsel fixed him over some bogus charge? Might not it be better to just quit and leave? Then his Vice President Mike Pence would take over who would also be attacked 24X7 and that would clear the decks for a Democratic President in 2020.

3. He would sack Mueller and be charged for obstruction.

department Justice -40657_960_720Trump is one of the smartest guys around and he would have fully understood the above. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to just sack Mueller? Then the Democrats would charge him for obstruction of justice. The charges and attacks would just seamlessly shift from collusion to obstruction.

That is why they went after his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions could well have sacked Mueller and taken the heat on himself. But he was virulently attacked and forced to recuse himself so that the Mueller sacking would solely be on Trump and the obstruction narrative could move forward.

4. He would enter a perjury trap.

meeting-room-10270_960_720Mueller kept trying to get Trump into a room and grill him. Trump wisely got out of such a situation. Mueller would have asked him as many questions as he could and had anything that technically could be a lie would have been called that.

If collusion and obstruction fails, then go for perjury! That’s what the theory of shifting goal posts is all about!

5. He would be a disgrace by 2018.

2018The Democrats thought that even if Trump fought it out, then Trump would be a total disgrace and spent force by 2018 by which time they hoped to take the House and they actually did. The Democrats would then impeach Trump and the action would have shifted to the Senate.

While it is highly doubtful the Senate will remove Trump (The Democrats need 67 votes and they don’t even have 50) the narrative would have shifted away from the Republicans and the Dems would be primed to take over the White House in 2020.

6. Something Russia over his colleagues and family.

saint-basils-cathedral-708349_960_720Actually they knew that if would be quite difficult to tie Trump to Russia, but anyone else would do. His children. His campaign team. Any senior person in his many businesses. All they had to do was nail any close Trump associate for having close ties with Russia and Trump would be guilty by association in the public court.

Perception is all that matters!

7. Something. Anything. About Anything.

pray-1639946_960_720Actually it wasn’t just about Russia. The 22-month probe covered everything. The Dems were hoping to dig tonnes of dirt and get anything. Anything related to finance. Anything related to tax returns. Anything related to any of his dealings. Anything related to even racism in his businesses.

However anything became nothing in the end.

8. What if he did actually collude with Russia!

putin-2972184_960_720For Marxists, the 2016 is probably the worst year since 1991 when the Communist Soviet Empire collapsed. That year had both Trump and Brexit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi won in 2014. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kept winning. And the Right is rising in almost every European country. They keep losing.

The Marxists have become severely delusional and have entered their make believe world where anyone who isn’t Far Left is a Hitler Nazi. They actually believe that all their opponents are evil. They keep doubling down and getting more and more delusional and they actually believe Putin and Trump colluded.

But then if that’s the case then the then US President Barack Obama should be arrested because he allowed it to happen because it happened under his watch. Such subtle nuances are totally lost on the Marxists.

trump-3123765_960_720It is amazing that Trump continues to soar, save all the opposition goals and doesn’t have an approval rating below 20%. He has used his Twitter handle to totally neutralize the mainstream media.

The Mueller Probe is dead, but it still lives in the hearts of the Marxists.

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How the media whitewashes the black and blackwashes the white