Congress and computer musings…

OK, baba, you win.
Congress is default in India computer.
But computer has crashed.
We are all offline.
Please upgrade wisely in 2014.

Guy: That web page has been deleted!
Google: Don’t worry, I cached it.
Guy: Thank you!
Congress: The CoalGate files are missing!
CAG: Don’t worry, I cached it.
Congress: Shut up!

Pappu logic…
Statement 1: Computer kaun laya? Congress!
Statement 2: India kya hai? Computer?
Inference: India kaun laya? Congress!

Nehru invented newspaper.
Indira invented TV.
Rajiv invented Internet.
Please don’t use all these to criticize Sonia.
P.S. Pappu is inventing the next big media. Please do not disturb.

Indira G and Rajiv G were the most popular leaders of their times.
Pappu G can’t even aspire to be more popular than Parle G.

Cong is seC*ular.
Cong is inclusivE*.
Cong is D*emocratic.
Cong is soC*ialist.

It is amazing that the League of Extraordinary Fekus decided to confer the title of “Feku” to someone outside their group.
#Pheku #Irony

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

How the Congress will respond to all your requests online with HTTP status codes…

Can we have someone other than Pappu as PM?
400 Bad Request.

Can you please tell me details of Sonia’s IT returns and foreign visits?
403 Forbidden.

Can you tell me anything about Sonia?
308 Permanent Redirect.

Can you please hand me the relevant CoalGate files?
404 Not Found.

Can you give me the details of the Bofors case?
301 Moved Permanently.

I want to peacefully protest against the government.
401 Unauthorized.

But my method is totally peaceful!
405 Method Not Allowed.

Just a teeny weeny protest?
406 Not Acceptable.

I am going to keep trying.
408 Request Timeout.

Can I contest the elections from the Congress ticket?
402 Payment Required.

It’s a crisis. Please connect me to Pappu.
410 Gone.

Despite what Pappu says, I’m angry.
420 Enhance Your Calm.

When will you remove poverty from India?
102 Processing.

Can you give me all the list of real (not claimed) accomplishments of UPA2?
204 No Content.

How will Pappu solve all the problems of India?
413 Request Entity Too Large.

How are you coping dealing with CoalGate, ThoriumGate…
504 Gateway Timeout.

Some average citizen is criticizing the government. Can you arrest him?
202 Accepted.

Finally during 2014, when the Congress asks for votes, the citizen will say…
426 Upgrade Required.
444 No Response.

© Sunil Rajguru

If Congress were a…

Computer = An ancient 186 caught in a time warp in 2013.

Operating System = Windows, which keeps hanging all the time.

Browser = IE, a default most people are stuck with.

Software = Malware/Spyware/Virus.

Hardware = An empty cabinet.

Internet Status Code = 404.

Software firm = Microsoft, the hated market leader.

Mobile = A cheap Chinese version which has flooded the market.

Internet Connection = Still dial-up.

Computer game = Ping pong.

Search engine = AltaVista (Defunct).

Email = Hotmail (Hundreds of millions still have it, but no-one really uses it).

Program = Trojan Horse.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

When Facebook became Twitter and Twitter became Facebook…

Twitter: Let me introduce the Twitter News stream.
Facebook: Good idea. Let me also do something like that.

Facebook: The Like button is a smashing success.
Twitter: OK you can Favourite something too.

Twitter: You just can’t beat my ReTweet concept.
Facebook: OK let me introduce Share.

Facebook: You can post photos, now that’s exclusive to me.
Twitter: OK, you can post photos too.

Facebook: Well I have groups.
Twitter: OK, I have lists.

Twitter: My Followers concept is unique.
Facebook: Or so you think!

Twitter: My hashtags are unique.
Facebook: Or so you think!

So is it TweetBook or FBWitter?

And will the two merge one of these days?

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

Virtual and privacy musings…

2012: I kept my birthday date public. 73 Facebook friends wished me.
2013: I kept it off and got 4 notifications.
That’s the difference between Reality (2013) and Virtual Reality (2012).

Earlier Russians used to run away from their authoritarian regime to America.
Who would have thought that one day it would be the other way round!

SM is beating MSM because SM is loud and in your face, but not pretentious.
The MSM pretends to be something that it is not. The Mukhauta.

The problem is that people want great publicity and great privacy at the same time.
Something’s gotta give somewhere.

So Snowden finally gets his den in snowy Russia.

You have 11 notifications. One for a Group you didn’t know you were part of, three relating to comments that were posted in that particular group, three invitations to Like a Page of Friends you just added, 3 friendship requests from Hrithik Roshan, Albert Einstein and Donald Duck, (photos, not names that is) and even a message by some strange girl who wants to you to mail her immediately at some fishy looking email ID.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru