Words and terms India needs…

TVial: Absolutely trivial stuff shown by 24X7 news channels which they usually label breaking news or exclusive. (TVial=TV+trivial)

Backfrog: The ability to make an unexpected and uncanny huge leap backwards, the opposite of “leapfrog”.

The 2-1 Step: When the country takes one step back for every two steps forward. Some totally backward areas experience the “1-2 Step” and hence get steadily worse.

Plasticky New: The tendency for an Indian to keep a product new by keeping it in the original plastic covering for as long as possible.

Clean Politician: Someone who is corrupt and communal but at the same time does a lot of development on the side.
Note: It is impossible for any politician to be 100% clean in India.

Conventionally Corrupt: “I don’t ask for bribes and just go about doing my job. But if someone gives me some extra money to do something, then I don’t decline.” To be contrasted with someone who is “Totally Corrupt”.

Parental Destiny: The tendency for most Indian parents to play God and dictate the college, course, job and even the spouse of their child.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru