The fringe shall inherit the Earth…

· Taliban: Can you imagine anything more dangerous than a girl with a schoolbook?
Kashmiri hardliner: Yes, a girl with a guitar!

· Right now a very dangerous Quit India movement is going on.
Freedom of Speech is being asked to Quit India.

· Old saying: The crying baby gets the milk.
New saying: The “offended” baby gets the cream.

· New Secularism Slogan: Have you made your State Rushdie free yet?
Rajasthan did so in 2012 and West Bengal in 2013. What about you?

· All the fringe groups have just moved to the centre of society in India.

· They would have us believe…
It’s OK for boys to play with guns and bombs, but not OK for girls to use schoolbooks and guitars.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru