12 differences between Western and Indian politicians…

Western: Change their needs to suit the party
Indian: Change their party (or alliance) to suit their needs

Western: Know the power of Development and go ahead with it
Indian: Pray that Development is just a passing fad

Western: Believe in politics of issues (before the people)
Indian: Believe in politics of issues (their children)

Western: Portfolios taken by subject matter experts. Professionals reach the pinnacle of their career with the portfolio.
Indian: Indian Roulette. The portfolio depends on who’s in line, tired of traveling, which ally has to be pacified in which way—subject matter expertise be damned!

Western: Film stars actively participate and endorse their choice of politicians
Indian: Film stars become politicians in large numbers (and promptly spend more time in front of the camera than in Parliament). In the South, you get to be Chief Minister.

Western: Number of politicians increase in Arithmetic Progression
Indian: Number of parties increase in Geometric Progression

Western: Know that they are below the law and try to circumvent it
Indian: Are the law

Western: Embarrassments and scandalmongers are kicked out or eased out
Indian: Embarrassments and scandalmongers are given plum ceremonial posts

Western: Dress to the occasion
Indian: Dress desi, think swadesi

Western: Forget past leaders, but practice their doctrines
Indian: Worship past leaders and damn their dreams

Western: Plan for the future
Indian: Live in India’s glorious and ancient past. What future?

Western: Try to capture the mind of the voters
Indian: Try to capture the booths of the constituencies

© Sunil Rajguru