The Agony Aunt of superstitions…

cat-694730_640Q: Is it bad luck if a black cat crosses my path?
A: No. It is bad luck for the cat if you cross its path. It will probably get scared and run away.

Q: Is it bad luck if I walk under a ladder?
A: No. It is bad luck if you crash straight into the ladder.

texture-1655298_640Q: Is it bad luck if you walk on the cracks on the pavement.
A: It doesn’t make any difference. But people think you’re an idiot if you walk in a funny manner trying to avoid all those cracks. That may eventually bring bad luck in some form.

Q: Is 13 an unlucky number?
A: No. 13 doesn’t consider itself lucky or unlucky. It is an inanimate number.

rook-2369802_640Q: Is it bad luck if a black crow sits on me?
A: No. It is extremely unlucky and probably fatal if you sit on the crow instead.

Q: Does a howling dog mean a very bad omen?
A: No. It probably means that the dog is sad or hungry or has been mistreated by someone of your species.

mirror-frame-2407292_640Q: Will a broken mirror bring seven years of bad luck.
A: If it is not cleared and disposed of properly it is sure to bring injury and hence bad luck to someone in the house.

Q: Does that particular star decide my destiny?
A: The visual of the star you think is deciding you destiny is from thousands of years in the past and may not even exist in this present moment.

dark-2024127_640Q: If you wish on a shooting star, do you get your wish?
A: If you believe that a disintegrating piece of large rock will somehow absorb your thoughts and make the universe conspire to see that your stupid silly mundane wish comes true and actually succeed, then you’re spot on.

Q: Does a rabbit’s foot bring good luck?
A: It’s pretty bad luck and a cruel thing to do it the rabbit is still alive and hopping on one leg somewhere. Plus, do you keep dead human pieces about you? How is the life of a rabbit different from that of a human being from the point of view of Mother Nature? The truth is that all humans are extremely bad luck for all animals.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru