Is India really in the 21st Century?

The Internet was the wonder of the last century. Many countries are now going in for 100% broadband penetration. India on the other hand recently just managed to touch double figures in Internet penetration. So for the 90-odd per cent…
…they are living in the 20th Century.

Most of the West was electrified in the 20th Century. Two-thirds of India still doesn’t have electricity…
…they are living in the 19th Century.

The Industrial revolution flourished in the 19th Century, but many areas in India are yet to see industrialization…
…they are living in the 18th Century.

The practice of female infanticide may have begun hundreds of years ago. But it is still rampant in India today…
…they are in some vague century in the Middle Ages.

The Indian Constitution granted equality in 1947. However still in many parts of India inter-caste marriages are not allowed by society and there are even killings over it…
…they are still in some vague century BC when Manusmriti was written.

Some sort of writing may have begun in the world many thousands of years ago. One-fourth of India is still illiterate…
…they are in some vague millennium BC.

So which century is India really in?

© Sunil Rajguru