November 2014 Status Updates

486 Pages. 663 match reports. 899 Rupees.

‪#‎PlayingItMyWay‬ ‪#‎SachinTendulkar‬

(November 8)

From 1947-2000, almost two-thirds of the Bharat Ratnas went to Congressmen/ex-Congressmen.

25 politicians have won the Bharat Ratna.
All 25 were Congressmen/ex-Congressmen.
Will Modi give the first ever Bharat Ratna to a non-Congressman?

Vadra lambe race ka ghoda.
Even after 5 days 3 Vadra hashtags are trending…
‪#‎YesWeAreSerious‬ ‪#‎AreYouSerious‬ ‪#‎Vadra‬

(November 5)

Most Pakistani citizens killed by Pakistani terrorists.
Analysis: India is the biggest enemy.
Pakistani Army has butchered democracy and progress in Pakistan.
Analysis: Pakistani Army is the saviour.

(November 3)

Vadra was sent on a space mission to visit the brightest star in the night sky.
When he reached the star’s orbit, he asked…

(November 1)

These versions by Sunil Rajguru