The Slave

He sits in front of the computer
presses various buttons –> commands!
an alphabet appears, then another and another
thousands, nay millions appear
race along the screen (and behind it) and disappear
They are all his slaves
living in a different world
at his beck and call…
…or perhaps…
he is a slave of all of them

© Sunil Rajguru

Nothing for Everything

Give a lot of love and
you get a lot in return
Give a lot of love and
you get nothing in return
Give a little hate and
you get a lot in return
Give a lot of hate and
there’s nothing left to return
Give a little happiness and
you get a lot in return
Give a lot of happiness and
you have nothing more to give
Give a little sadness
and you get a lot in return
Give a lot of sadness
and you get a lot of emptiness in return

© Sunil Rajguru