Pre-2004: Mother-in-law.
2004-14: Mother-in-law-is-law.
2015: Mother-in-law’s-mother-in-law-is-Indira-is-India.
2016: Mother-in-law-is-out-law?
Lok Sabha TV and Rajya SabhaTV should be renamed Hungama TV 1 and Hungama TV 2.
India is Sonia.
Sonia is India.
India is Delhi.
Delhi is India.
—Mainstream media.
Sonia Indira se aage nikal gayi.
Indira ne PM ke gaddi pe baithke taanashaahi ki.
Sonia Opposition benches pe baithke taanashaahi kar rahi hai.
Indira Gandhi returned not because she was jailed, but because she was released after a stupid weak case.
If you go to jail for 10 years, you generally don’t return.
A for #AwardWapsi.
I for Intolerance.
V for Vendetta.
D for Dictatorship.
Mamma agla kya hai?
A: Beta, J for Jail.
These versions by Sunil Rajguru