Unending Modi musings…

• Failed predictions…
1995: BJP will never come to power and complete a full term.
2003: Sonia is finished. NDA will get re-elected.
2008: Anti-incumbency will hit UPA.
2009: Congress will definitely win in 2014.
2013: Modi will never become PM.

∙ Whether you like it or not…
Coming soon in 2014: Modi 24X7, Modi Today, Aaj Modi, Modi Now, Modi India, The Times of Modi, Modi Express, The Modi Times, The Modi Express…

∙ Pre-1989: Entire mainstream media went after Congress and projected VP Singh as PM.
Pre-2014: Entire social media went after Congress and projected Narendra Modi as PM.
Times haven’t changed.
The media has.

∙ Blessed are those who are not part of this Anti-Modi vs Pro-Modi debate and are watching with amusement from the sidelines.
P.S. As for me, I can’t fathom when and why I got dragged into this black hole of a ping pong match.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

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