Ever since Sonia Gandhi entered the Indian scene, she has directly or indirectly been in a position of great power. Take a look…
1968-77: Daughter-in-law of Prime Minister.
1977-80: Daughter-in-law of Leader of the Opposition.
1980-84: Daughter-in-law of Prime Minister.
1984-89: Wife of Prime Minister.
1989-91: Wife of Leader of the Opposition.
1991-98: Every Prime Minister wary that Sonia directly or indirectly can topple him.
1998-2004: Leader of Opposition.
2004-14: Controller of Prime Minister.
As you can see, it’s a continuous chain and for the first time it has been broken.
2004-16: Prime Minister not dependent on her and there isn’t even a Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha.
That’s why Parliament is being disrupted non-stop and Bills are not being passed so that the Prime Minister becomes dependent on Sonia and parity is restored.
That’s why the Supreme Court was approached for the Leader of the Opposition post even though there was a next to zero chance for success.Parity had to be restored.
The plan has been totally busted for it should have been…
2014-__: Mother of Prime Minister.
Mission 2019 is reaching a desperation stage in 2016 itself.
© Sunil Rajguru