Random Thoughts 3

· All the roads, walls and grounds in India are public toilets. Our Nation should be renamed UriNation.

· Credit Cards should actually be called Debt Cards. Debt Cards and Debit Cards go well together.

· If horns and honking was banned on Indian roads, then most motorists would die of boredom and silence.

· Why call them Moral Police? Immoral Goondas would be better.

· Population Explosion? I think it has already happened in India and we are living in the Post-Blast Holocaust.

· It’s not death I’m scared of… it’s rebirth…

· Inventions keep continuously coming and make things easier and easier for us… then why is life getting tougher and tougher?

· The more you progress, the more time you spend working hard at doing nothing.

· Is Wikipedia turning into a Weakipedia?

© Sunil Rajguru

6 thoughts on “Random Thoughts 3

  1. Hi.

    Nice, smart point-to-point piece. You dont waste time with long winding flowery sentences, do you.:)Understand your style more. Will keep reading and will sure Retweet. :)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, it’s nice to keep things as short as one can, if possible.

  3. Interesting ones…crisp and thought provoking liners, I liked this one in particular “It’s not death I’m scared of… it’s rebirth…”

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