It’s all about the Nehru-Gandhi Dynasty…

The mother of all plans…
Plan A: Senior Dynasty member.
Plan B: Junior Dynasty member.
Plan C: Wait for some other Dynasty member to grow up.

When things go right: All credit goes to the Dynasty.
When things go wrong: No blame goes to the Dynasty.

Every day…
Wake up thinking of the Dynasty. Listen to the Dynasty. Praise the Dynasty. Defend the Dynasty. Bow to the Dynasty. Sleep thinking of the Dynasty.

404 seats: Mera Dynasty Mahaan.
44 seats: Phir Bhi Mera Dynasty Mahaan.

Before election…
Rahul Gandhi Congress Bachao Yojana.
After election…
Rahul Hatao Priyanka Lao Yojana.
Narendra Modi Congress Dubao Yojana.

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

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