Things to do on 11.11.11…

∙ First jump on 1 leg, then jump on 1 more leg. (11)
Then balance your body on 1 hand then on 1 more hand. (11)
Then bang your head against 1 wall, then 1 other. (11)
Repeat this process when the time is 11.11.11.

∙ 11.11.11 in the morning on the date 11.11.11 is so rare that there will be a never seen before heavenly alignment that will grant every wish to everyone who asks it, no matter how fantastic.
The wish will come true after 111111111111 years.

∙ If you have a stopwatch, then try to stop it at (11 hours 11 minutes 11.11 seconds) and frame it till, 2111.11.11.

∙ Watch Ra.One twice, then it will become Ra.OneOne or Ra.11.

∙ If you want to do good charity work, give 11 Rupees to 11 beggars at 11.11.11.
Richer people can give 11(hundred, thousand, lakh…) accordingly.

∙ At exactly 11.11.11, jump on 1 leg 111111 times.

∙ On the order of Pope Gregory XIII, the world went straight from October 4, 1582 to October 15, 1582 as a result of calendar adjustment.
Since we lost those days, purists can celebrate all of the above on November 22.

© Sunil Rajguru

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