The never-ending Modi hater musings…

#‎AdarshLiberal‬ logic…
Hang Modi even if there’s no proof.
Don’t hang Kasab/Yakub even if Supreme Court convicts and President turns down clemency.

Media and BJP share a love-hate relationship.
Media hates BJP.
BJP loves media.

Media attacks Modi. Wins 2002.
Media attacks Modi. Wins 2007.
Media attacks Modi. Wins 2012.
Media attacks Modi. Wins 2014.
Media attacks Modi. Wins 2019???

For ‪#‎ModiHaters‬…‬‬‬
Celebrities maliciously attacking for 12 years = Freedom of Speech.
For ‪#‎ModiSupporters‬…‬‬‬
Anonymous accounts = Abusive trolling = Modi is guilty.

More time in England than India.
More time in TV studios than Nalanda.
More time on politics than economics.
More time on nonsense than sense.

The remarkable neglect of elementary education in India is striking.
—Amartya Sen.
That’s why I was only ruining higher education via Nalanda University!

Indian Twitter troll: A person who attacks a Modi hater for abusing him.
(Or even criticizes him or points out his/her mistakes)

1-year-report of activists, intellectuals and media…
We were OK with the Fascism of the Congress (mainly because we were a part of it) but not the perceived Fascism of the BJP (from which we are excluded).

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

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