Headlines written on May 16, 2014 itself…

If things go well…
Economy is booming and yet the poor are getting poorer.
If things are mixed…
Economy doing OK but Modi promised much much more.
If things are bad…
Economy doing disastrously, Modi should quit!

Similarly, headlines for every conceivable scenario…

Great monsoon saves beleaguered Modi.
Bad monsoon shows that even luck has deserted Modi.

Lack of dissent shows that Modi is a Fascist dictator.
With this high level of dissent, Modi should quit at once.

This big scam means Modi should quit politics.
This small scam is just the tip of the iceberg.
No scam shows that Modi has successfully suppressed all information coming out of government.

Diverse BJP leadership opinion shows that Modi has lost control.
BJP leadership speaking in one voice shows that they’re scared of Fascist dictator Modi.

Meek Pakistan/China is a ticking time bomb.
Belligerent Pakistan/China shows that Modi has failed spectacularly.

Number of high political arrests show that Modi is a Fascist dictator.
Number of low political arrests shows that Modi has failed to implement his authoritarian designs.

Multiple foreign visits show that Modi doesn’t care for domestic policy.
Lack of foreign visits shows that Modi doesn’t care for foreign policy.

His obsession with kurta shows he’ll never get out of his local mind set.
Hypocrite Modi decides to wear a suit.

Modi can’t even get bureaucrats to come on time.
So what if bureaucrats come on time? Nothing else has changed.

Obama doesn’t care for Modi.
Obama-Modi bonhomie is superficial.

Modi speaks too much.
Modi speaks only when he wants to.
Modi doesn’t speak.

With their bad tactics, Kejri/Pappu letting Modi off the hook.
With their good tactics, Kejri/Pappu will topple Modi.

If he wins in 2019 yet again…
Authoritarian Modi fools India once again and emerges undisputed Fascist dictator of India.

© Sunil Rajguru

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