Why there are so many scams in India, but nobody is guilty!

desert-790640_640There is a famous story which a genius wrote…
There were two murderers who wanted to kill a man. They waited for their opportunity. They got it when they found out that the man was going on a long trek in the desert. The first murderer went in the night and put poison in his water bag. The second murderer went before the crack of dawn and punctured the water bag with a small pin. When the man left, the water leaked drop by drop and when the man was thirsty he found his water bag empty.
The man died of thirst in the desert.
After the enquiry, both murderers pleaded innocence.
Murderer 1: But he didn’t die of my poison and so I didn’t kill him!
Murderer 2: I actually did a noble thing! I emptied the bag of poison and so I actually saved him!
They both got away even though a man had died!

This story reminds me of Manmohan and Sonia.
Sonia: I wasn’t the PM and didn’t sign anything.
Manmohan: I did nothing and got no gain, I was merely taking orders!
They both got away even though India got rammed for 10 years.

In fact if they were ever interrogated together, the conversation would probably go something like this…
Manmohan: She made me do it.
Sonia: But he signed the papers.
Manmohan: She made me sign the papers.
Sonia: But he was the Prime Minister.
Manmohan: But she was the remote control.
Sonia: You can’t prove I did anything.
Manmohan: You can’t prove that I took any money.
Sonia: Kalmadi and Raja didn’t report to me.
Manmohan: Kalmadi reports to International Olympic Committee, Raja to Karunanidhi.
Sonia: Show me the scam!
Manmohan: Show me the money!
Sonia: I wasn’t in office, you can’t prosecute me.
Manmohan: I am Mr Clean, I took no money!
Case closed even though the country lost lakhs of crores due to them!

This version by Sunil Rajguru

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