More general political musings…

∙ Yesterday: Sab quota politics hai.
Today: Sub-quota politics hai.

∙ There was this elephant in a dark room. Many wise men went and touched it. One touched the trunk, one touched the ear, another the tail and yet another the leg and so on…
Since they all touched different parts of the body, they all described it differently and started arguing violently over what the elephant really was.
Then the Election Commission came and ordered the elephant to be covered with a large cloth and told all the squabbling parties to go home!

∙ For the last 10 years, TV news channels have been singing…
Why this why this Narendramo D?

∙ First Indian planner: The divide between the rich and poor is increasing thanks to this great growth we are seeing.
Second Indian planner: Then why don’t we slow down growth itself to stop the rich-poor divide?

© Sunil Rajguru

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