It is fashionable to abuse Hinduism in Hindustan…

A day will come when Liberals will claim that Hinduism doesn’t exist.
It is a figment of our imagination.

If you abuse just Hinduism non-stop, you are neither an atheist nor a true secular.
You are simply a hater of Hinduism.

After Independence curiously anti-Hindu history books and academic text books were propagated.
Today you’re seen as a fanatic if you want to correct it.

3 Independences
1947—Foreign—End of British rule.
1991—Economic—End of nonsense Nehrunomics.
2014—Political—End of Nehru-Gandhi Dynasty default setting.

Liberals and
Leftists are making this world very ILL.

Read: 8 reasons why Hinduism rocks in the new age

These versions by Sunil Rajguru

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