6 noisy and Indian things I simply don’t understand…

• Putting up a pandal with a million-watt speaker all day and night at any time of the year for any religious festival and for any kind of celebration bang in the middle of a dense residential area.

• Millions of cars honking billions of times a day for no rhyme or reason on congested dusty roads.

• People disturbing everyone around them by shouting on the mobile or landline as if the person they are talking to is a million miles way.

• Putting a car stereo on full blast… if I can hear it so clearly, then is the person inside deaf by now?

• Shouting, screaming and laughing loudly at fine dining restaurants and creating an even bigger nuisance if drunk.

• Whither silencers? All Indian vehicles should be called noisemakers, especially autos, trucks and bikes.

I guess for a country which doesn’t bother much about water and air pollution, expecting any kind of sensitivity on the issue of Noise Pollution is impossible…

© Sunil Rajguru

9 thoughts on “6 noisy and Indian things I simply don’t understand…

  1. Add to this noisy firecrackers. Early morning, my rear neighbor’s washerman will bang his thappi (small bat like device) so loud and resonating. I have even blocked my window with thermocole and put a wood panel ahead-still no rescue:)

    Manuj: My God! That’s tough. I have these nuisances once in a while. Daily ones are a real pain.
    We need Noise Pollution Legislation!

  3. Manuj: God that must be a daily nightmare to you????

    Sunil: It irritates more when people shout on mobile phone just inches away from your ears.I face this daily in local train in Mumbai when women with their god gifted high pitched vocal cords shout at top of their voice on mobile as if the person they are talking to is deaf…

  4. Rakhi: Looks like there are a lot of fellow sufferers. Yeah, mobile shouting is the most In-Your-Face form of noise pollution!

  5. Thanks Manuj! I always try to write on issues that are closer to my heart… it’s easier that way.

  6. Ah yes! Brilliant movie. Kamal Hasan was a genius to pull off a “silent” movie on a generally “noisy” country.

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