Social Media is now the Fourth Estate.
Mainstream Media is the Fifth Column.
Some benefit from the Industrial Revolution and praise it.
Others benefit from the Industrial Revolution and praise the Communist Revolution.
Former are called the Right.
The latter are called the Left.
Capitalism has a lot of sins.
But Communism has no virtues.
If you attack anyone viciously 24X7, you certainly can’t accuse him of being a Fascist dictator suppressing free speech.
#Modi #Trump
The day Communism collapses in China like USSR 1991 is the day the gigantic pack of cards of its economy will crash down in that country.
UK Labour just came fourth in a bye election.
Happened to Indian Congress yesterday.
Happening to UK Labour today.
Will happen to US Democrats tomorrow.
2013: Modi can’t get 272.
2015: Trump can’t get 270.
2016: One is Time Person of the Year and the other is the Popular Choice for the same.
Obama was Time Person of the Year.
But then, so was Hitler!
(See how easy that was?)
Basically all current alarmist global climate scientists can take a long walk to oblivion now.
When Modi tells the truth…
Media: It could be a lie?
When Modi Haters tells a lie…
Media: It could be the truth?
(Can replace Modi with Trump)
These versions by Sunil Rajguru