You may…
…support the scams of One Leader.
But not the schemes of all other leaders.
You may…
…lick the boots of One Leader.
But not tolerate a help tying the bootlaces of any other leader.
You may…
…respect the privacy of One Leader.
But give bad publicity to every other leader over minor private things.
You may…
…tolerate the dictatorship of One Leader.
But call minor democratic deviations of any other leader a dictatorship.
You may…
…celebrate if One Leader decides to do remote control.
But thrash any other leader who even seeks to guide his or her juniors.
You may…
…look the other way when One Leader leaves the country surreptitiously for the umpteenth time.
But pounce on any other leader when he or she steps out of her home.
You may…
…accept the education and experience shortcomings of One Leader and her right to rule the country.
But pounce on any other 12th pass leader who even heads a department.
You may…
Ignore the major scams of one party president.
But go after every allegation of another party president.
You may…
…be petrified of One Leader.
But attack every other leader 24X7.
All leaders are equal.
But One Leader is more equal than others.
© Sunil Rajguru