Crude oil price up… Hike prices! Hike prices!
Crude oil price down… Stay put! Stay put!
Government needs money… Hike prices! Hike prices!
Government doesn’t need money… Stay put! Stay put!
Oil companies have subsidy problem… Hike prices! Hike prices!
Oil companies have no subsidy problem… Stay put! Stay put!
Oil companies make losses… Hike prices! Hike prices!
Oil companies make profits… Stay put! Stay put!
The price of everything is going up… Hike prices! Hike prices!
The price of everything is going down… Stay put! Stay put!
Demand greater that supply… Hike prices! Hike prices!
Supply greater that demand… Stay put! Stay put!
No price hike for ages… Hike prices! Hike prices!
No substantive petrol price cut ever… Stay put! Stay put!
Everything that goes up must come down?
Ha ha! You haven’t met the wizards in the Indian oil industry yet!
© Sunil Rajguru
the most foolish government of INDIA has once again shows that they don’t care for aam Hindustanis.