In the 1984 Indian Lok Sabha elections, the Congress got an amazing 75% Lok Sabha seats.
But their popular vote share was at a much lower 49.1%.
But the turnout was just 63.5%, so that means only 31% registered voters voted for Congress.
Bringing that down even further, only 11.5 crore out of a population of 76.5 crore voted for Congress.
Put that way, a mere 15% of the citizens of India decided the destiny of even the remaining 85% of the population.
As you can see bashing statistics non-stop is meaningless.
You can take any mandate and show it’s not a mandate.
But still three points stand out…
1. This is still better than military civil religious dictatorships and Communist States where 0.0001% of the population subjugates the remaining 99.9999%.
2. Whoever won, won fair and square depending on the laws of the land and the Constitution. If you don’t like the rules, change the rules in a democratic manner.
3. We may live in imperfect democracies, but still this is the best way of selecting someone to run the show. It is more important that after we elect someone, that person is held accountable and follows the path of good governance and development.