According to sources*.
According to experts*.
According to people*.
According to polls*.
According to morality*.
* = me.
When there’s a colossal information overload then each person chooses his own bubble universe.
We have reached that stage.
Multiple realities.
BBC-CNN are Lefty anti-Trumpers.
Yet Lefty Corbyn-Sanders call them Fake News.
He who laughs last, laughs the longest.
TV news channel remix…
The channel that shouts the longest laughs all the way to the bank.
Trump and media war is escalating fast.
But then only the US President has unlimited resources and power.
Suicidal move by media.
Republic of India launched 104 satellites at once on a single rocket.
Republic TV will launch 104 panelists at once on a single TV screen.
Social media owners will never learn.
Their severe anti-Modi anti-Trump bias keeps backfiring yet they keep targeting Modi-Trump supporters.
Statement: We will filter Fake News.
Translation: We will do Censorship to propagate our Ideology.
For media whatever Obama did was right and whatever Trump does is wrong.
That’s why Obama became so mediocre in the end and Trump doesn’t care.
If the media is going to attack every little thing Trump does then he’s going to do absolutely anything he wants, isn’t he?
So in the end media becomes a toothless watchdog.
These versions by Sunil Rajguru