∙ Whenever Progress gets too much, Fate puts obstacles in the way to check it.
The latest ones are Facebook and Twitter.
∙ If March 8 is Women’s Day, then the remaining 364 days are men’s days.
If November 14 is Children’s Day, then the remaining 364 days are adult’s days.
We will be truly civilized when every world citizen feels that every day is hers or his.
∙ Newsmakers yesterday: Will it impact the world?
Then: Will it impact the newspapers and TV channels?
Now: Will it impact the status messages?
∙ The Indian cricket fans’ goodwill is like the stock market, you never know which cricketers stock will crash and which will rise.
∙ You’ve heard of the 80:20 principle?
Well India works on the 99.80:0.20% principle.
99.80% of India has to put up with the bullshit of the remaining 0.20% all the time.
∙ True global democracy has arrived in cyberspace.
Now each and every one of us has friends, connections and even followers…
© Sunil Rajguru