∙ 21st Century equality…
If you’re an Indian female: Wear proper clothes, don’t go out at night and be submissive.
If you’re a male politician: Rape, murder, give hate speeches and rubbish the above female.
∙ A politician said the stars are against women.
He is right. They have been against women for thousands of years now and only men and women can change that and not the stars.
∙ Joke: The biggest reason for divorce is marriage.
Sum wisdom of our sick politicians and leaders: The biggest reason for rape is woman.
Reality: It’s always the man’s fault.
∙ When will they realize…
…there isn’t any harmless teasing in “Eve Teasing”, it’s downright Adam Goondagardi.
…there is absolutely nothing honourable about honour killings, which are in fact cold-blooded murders.
..there is nothing moral about moral policing and why even call it policing?
…a Godman is actually a Delusional Human.
These versions by Sunil Rajguru