“Three score and five years ago our politicians brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in netagiri, and dedicated to the proposition that all politicians are created equal. This government of the politicians, by the politicians, for the politicians, shall not perish from the country.”
Since every politician from every party swears by this and is interested only in the welfare of politicians and not people, the names of the political parties and coalitions should actually be changed to…
United Politicians’ Alliance
Indian Politicians’ Congress
Neta’s Democratic Alliance
Bharatiya Neta Party
Communist Politicians of India
Communist Politicians of India (Max) (Max=To the Maximum)
Neta Dal (A,B,C…Z)
Netawadi Party
Rashtriya Neta Dal
Indian National Neta Dal
J&K Politicians’ Conference
United Front of Politicians
Left Front of Politicians
Biju Neta Dal
Bahuneta Samaj Party
These versions by Sunil Rajguru