A TV journo can transmit broadcast-quality images with a notebook, Web cam and basic Net connection. Even doctors can prescribe medicines to interior areas wirelessly
Many Hollywood movies show a TV van racing to a breaking news scene. The TV reporter and cameraman jump out as someone inside makes arrangements for a live feed. Looks great but it’s very cumbersome. And it’s difficult to drag the van and heavy equipment to remote areas. Now, what if you could condense all that into a laptop? Well that has already happened. Now a TV reporter just needs a laptop, a mobile camera and an Internet connection (dial-up will do) to transmit broadcast-quality images to his studio.
Beehive System’s vid’link MOBILE is a laptop-based news gathering solution, which is used for video conferencing and newsgathering from remote locations over really low bandwidth mediums like Internet and satellite phones. The real time video transmission package is Live’burst, which is a two-way interaction video solution. Well heavy TV equipment may prove to be a burden in many a situation, but a laptop can find its way to the remotest of places. A TV reporter can transmit with just a satellite phone from anywhere in the world. Some of the TV stations using this technology are NDTV, Sahara and Sun TV. In fact, this technology was also used for reportage in the Tsunami tragedy that took place recently in Asia.
Long distance prescription
While the benefits of telemedicine have been talked about for ages, thanks to the laptop, it can go to places where there are no hospitals. Apollo Health Street is one such organization that is using it to connect its hospitals to the entire world. In fact, Apollo claims to be the single largest telemedicine solution provider in India. The hospital has established telemedicine link with many centers all across India and the world.
All the doctor needs is a laptop and he can visit the remotest locations and be in touch with specialists at various hospitals. The laptop will allow exchange of information and reports, easy access to the patient’s entire medical history online and videoconferencing between the field doctor and the relevant specialist.
If there’s an emergency, then a General Practitioner can perform surgery with a telemonitored specialist’s assistance. It can also be quite useful for medical training in remote areas and medical advice during natural calamities.
Even a phone can do it!
While you can do all that with a laptop, there are things you can do with a mobile too. Ajay Pal Singh of Beehive Systems says, “One of the largest Indian broadcasters, Zee News, used the vid’link MOBILE solution together with a 3G phone to cover the Olympics event in Athens. They saved more than $60,000 during the entire event!”
In Africa, LifeCell is a program by which you can use a simple mobile to connect to a server in a hospital. As the health worker makes his rounds of areas that don’t have access to doctors, he or she does a basic health check-up and feeds all the information into his mobile. The text messages then reach a central server which outputs it like a news ticker to the on-duty doctor’s computer. The doctor scans all the information and replies with his comments and prescriptions. That in turn reaches the health worker, who passes on all the information to the patient. That way everyone stays in touch with the doctor all the time and he can only visit the hospital in case of a real emergency.
While the concept of working at home has been around for ages, this is the age of carrying a mobile office in your pocket.
(This article appeared in Living Digital magazine in March 2005)