The kids are getting smarter BUT the admissions becoming tougher
Percentages are increasing AND so are the cut-lines
Study hours are increasing AT the cost of the playing time
School bags are getting heavier AS the students are tiring
The syllabus is becoming more vast AND becoming less relevant
More knowledge is being crammed AS less is being understood
The kids are talking more OF nonsense
More laws are being by-hearted BUT less being followed
Kids are getting more exposure TO the bad things in life
Children are growing up fast AND losing all their innocence
The population is increasing in Geometric Progression (GP) WHILE the jobs are rising in Arithmetic Progression (AP)
Admission ages are getting lower AS the age of getting jobs is going higher
The literacy rate is going up BUT the standard of education is going down
More degree-holders are being churned out of colleges AT what cost?
Courses are increasing AND so is the confusion
Authorities are getting tougher BUT discipline is slackening
Mental capacity is increasing AT the cost of the physical
Tensions are mounting AND parents getting angrier
Students’ voices are strengthening BUT teachers’ voices are weakening
Students are able to solve complicated problems BUT unable to do the simple ones
More institutions are opening AND more corrupting
(This appeared in a student’s publication called Cheel in Jodhpur in August 1993)